Saturday, March 02, 2019

Some Tweets from Margaret Kimberley

  1.   Retweeted
    Replying to 
    “’s your fault for buying into the hype that we have been pushing about this story non-stop for nearly three years,” fixed it.
  2.   Retweeted
    It is time to end all talk of Manifest Destiny, the Monroe doctrine and all other excuses for criminal behavior. This American sickness must be cured once and for all.
  3. Prosecutors can’t prove a case? Sorry Russiagate peddlers. We can’t unsee two years of lies. It’s a wrap. You’ve been lying.
  4. Thanks to for calling out and . Trump didn’t tell Cohen to lie. Cohen said so. See all the tweets on this link.
  5.   Retweeted
    Why does South Korea’s president support the peace talks with North Korea? Doesn’t he have any respect for the short-term goals of the Democratic Party and associated pundits? Can he be tried for treason?
  6.   Retweeted
    Why does South Korea’s president support the peace talks with North Korea? Doesn’t he have any respect for the short-term goals of the Democratic Party? What about our Blob, our pundits? Can Moon Jae-in be tried for treason?
  7. Black twitter genius. Read the whole thread. Every post. I can’t stop laughing.
  8.   Retweeted
    So many lies to uncover in Venezuela. That's why BAP is joining a delegation of U.S. peace organizations to gather information from the Venezuelan people. READ and RT ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฟ Photo credit:
  9.   Retweeted
    and I might be able to come up with ideas together? We have plenty of things to share (she was a bartender, working class, feminist), she certainly has street power and is making politics sexy, but... a true democratic socialist must have a better position on Venezuela
  10.   Retweeted
    "It is time to end all talk of Manifest Destiny, the Monroe doctrine and all other excuses for criminal behavior. This American sickness must be cured once and for all." via
  11.   Retweeted
    Replying to 
    The fraud on this country is why not just any Blue will do: —March 2016 the American people had hints secret Clinton emails were coming —Meanwhile the primary was rigged from the start, access was obstructed, manipulated, collusion
  12. Michael Cohen did not go to Prague and the evidence was there before went with this story. Will . or his newspaper explain? If I remembered this story they should have.
  13.   Retweeted
    Michael Cohen, Trump's most trusted & intimate fixer who now hates him, was (a) never in Prague, (b) knows of no blackmail leverage the Kremlin has & (c) never heard any attempts to conspire with Russia over the election. The media silence over these crucial facts is deafening.
  14. The Onion gets it right. Cuomo is begging Bezos to come back.
  15.   Retweeted
    . has been by far the most vocal opponent of US intervention in Venezuela. So it’s disappointing to see him concede the tone-deaf point Bernie made last week (), that “Maduro should have allowed the aid in” (10:23):
  16.   Retweeted
    The core claim of the bombshell BuzzFeed article was, "President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress." If you read this exchange with Cohen yesterday as anything other than a flat contradiction of that, you're simply being dishonest
  17.   Retweeted
    I'm not saying this to be mean. I genuinely feel sorry for MSNBC viewers who have had their brains filled with stuff like this for 2 straight years and uncritically believed what they were hearing. The damage to the discourse will never be undone.
  18.   Retweeted
    Important to sign. BAP one of the few orgs proactive about imperialism. Let's not wait for yet another US regime-change effort, this time (yet another) in Africa.
  19.   Retweeted
    Another petition? Yes but this one is really important. Please sign today. Thanks.
  20.   Retweeted
    The United States is infected with the sickness of Manifest Destiny, says BAP member and Black Agenda Report editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley ()๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ
  21.   Retweeted
    There was nothing revolutionary about Cohens testimony lol He told us that trump is a liar, a racist, and a conman. We know this. They made it sound like he had pictures of Trump and Putin together naked on a bed signing a contract to have a Trump hotel in Moscow lol
  22.   Retweeted
    American journalists trying to sabotage the Hanoi summit with totally unrelated Michael Cohen nonsense are just despicable. They are effectively imposing their own little parochial fixations on the millions of Koreans who want this peace process to succeed. Really, shame on you
  23.   Retweeted
    the u.s. has militarily invaded the entire african continent. with no pushback.
  24.   Retweeted
    The U.S. recolonization of Africa is connected to the police repression of Black people in the United States. Sign + RT our petition calling for ! ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ
  25.   Retweeted
    STATEMENT on Michael Cohen testimony to Congress: WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has never had a telephone call with Roger Stone. WikiLeaks publicly teased its pending publications on Hillary Clinton and published > 30k of her emails on 16 March 2016.
  26. What Venezuela tells us about the sick U.S. mentality of white supremacy and violence. The latest from yours truly.