Saturday, January 04, 2020

Some Tweets from Marianne Williamson

  • I was in CNN New Day Weekend this morning, talking about ideas that matter...
  • I’ll be appearing on CNN New Day this morning.
  • I’m not romanticizing American capitalism or American govt before the 1980s, but I can honestly tell you this: America wasn’t always the good guy but there was a general consensus we were supposed to be. When we weren’t, we were mentally healthy enough to hang our heads in shame.
  • “Not enough Americans hate war today.”
  • I visited New Hampshire in June and posted this. So glad the conversation is getting out there...
  • In the defense bill passed recently by the House of Representatives, an amendment to clean up PFAS contamination was left out at the last minute. Why? Because the Pentagon, chemical companies are among the biggest sources of contamination.
  • Bernie is right about this. I would as well. I’ve been talking from the beginning of the campaign about contaminants in drinking water being one of the primary reasons for our high level of chronic illness, and PFAS is among the worst.
  • With power comes not only rights but responsibility. It’s easier sometimes to farm out to others the job of thinking an issue through, surrendering the burden of free thought and letting others do our thinking for us. Don’t do that now, though! The purveyors of war are seductive.
  • Trump says "Qasem Soleimani has been killed and his bloody rampage is forever gone.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Iran has vowed revenge will promote others to replace him. One rampage over, a new one possibly more vicious now begun. The cycle of violence continues.
  • January 3rd - On the U.S. and Iran - Marianne Williamson
  • Trump says “We took action last night to stop a war.” That’s clearly absurd. What he did last night is more likely to start a war. Hard to imagine who was advising him; maybe he acted unilaterally & impulsively. Whichever it was, may the world be protected from his recklessness.
  • The president says he didn’t order the killing of Solmeini to start a war. That’s like somebody saying they didn’t cheat on their spouse to start a divorce. 🀦🏻‍♀️
  • Beware thinking only Establishment forces are “qualified” to talk about war! Gen. Powell, Cheney & Rumsfeld all “qualified” and led us into the war in Iraq. Btw, more women and children died in wars in the 20th century then did military combatants. Damn right we’re qualified.
  • I will be doing a video update on the Iran situation today. Stay tuned...
  • Use truth to counter war fever. When govt says Solmeini was responsible for American deaths in Iraq, ask how many American deaths WE’RE responsible for. When they say he was planning an eminent attack? By all means thwart the attack! Killing him only means new ones now on the way
  • Thank you, Andrew. I appreciate you too πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  • The NDAA is why there’s no limit whatsoever to Trump’s ability to take military action against Iran. A sweeter give away to the military-industrial-complex could not exist. A sure sign of who and what runs American foreign policy.
  • The Constitution says Congressional approval is necessary to declare war. But since 9/11 Congress has passed and regularly reauthorizes the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the president broad authority to do whatever he thinks is necessary to “fight terrorism.”