Saturday, February 01, 2025

Ana Kasparian ATTACKS Francesca Fiorentini LIVE on TYT after Cenk & Fran...


Sorry, putting these in the queue to be posted before I go to sleep and am streaming this now.  Too late to pull it because it's gone up 2 minutes ago but I will add a note to it. 

 "We don't remember any of his administration." Then maybe don't talk about Bill Clinton's administration.

At one point, short hair, Zac, starts talking about  Elian Gonzalez.  And says 2001.  Then comes back a few minutes later to say that this happened under Clinton (as he'd said already) but, he states, it effected the 2000 election.  He says he wants to clarify that because people in the comments are asking -- they're asking because Zac had said 2001. (This all took place from November of 1999 through June of 2000.)

And Zac shouldn't have said anything.

Not about Elian.  

This was not an immigration case.  (The topic of the video is immigration.)

It was about a child and I don't even get that Zac grasps that.

A raft  containing Cubans leaving Cuba and try to make it to Florida sinks.  12 people die.  That includes Elian's mother.  Five-year-old Elian survives and is found floating off Florida holding onto an innertube or something.

Yes, Cuban exiles in Florida did try to pretend it was an immigration case.

No, it wasn't.

Extended family in Florida does not trump parental rights.

This was a parental rights case.

Elian's mother had drowned.  His father, who wasn't trying to leave Cuba, was alive.  And wanted his son back.

Again, uncles and aunts don't trump parents when it comes to legal custody of a child barring a parent being proven unfit in a court of law and therefore losing their custodial rights.

He sues. Relatives in Florida try to insist Elian is a political refugee who needs asylum.

Stating you need asylum was beyond the powers that the family members living in Florida had.  

The Supreme Court would refuse to issue an injunction to keep Elian in the US -- they took recognized it as an issue of parental rights.

That was not an immigration case.  It was a custodial case.  Mom died, that just left Dad of the two parents.  Dad wanted to raise his son.  Leave out the Cuban freaks in Florida that came here and supposedly wanted citizenship but can never stop grudge f**king Cuba and plottings its overthrow and all the nonsense because this was, plain and simple, a custody case.

And, no, some aunts and uncles do not get to rush in and demand custody of a child who has a living parent that no court has stripped of custody.  Elian was taken out of Cuba without his father's permission or knowledge.  The mother and her lover wanted to leave Cuba and they took Elian with them.  We could go into who the court favored following the parents' divorce (the father) at length.  But I'm really just trying to put a series of videos in the queue so I can go to sleep already.

Zac goes on to talk about Cenk and/or Ana (TYT -- aka Middle Aged Socialists Making Their Right Wing Journey) and Zac states, "It makes me want to pull my hair out, Gavin! It's making me f**king crazy."

And I understand that.  I feel that way with regards to the Elian issue.

As I've said before, they are young -- Zac and Gavin -- and they are learning.  So I'm not going to hold it against them but I also can't allow this video to be up here at this site without noting that Zac knows nothing about Elian.  Elian's case wasn't about immigration.  It was about parental custody.  When Zac went into Elian's story, he'd also been speaking of Gitmo.  Elian -- to be clear -- was never at Gitmo -- Zac never claimed he was but tht messy and confusing part of the segment might make some think Elian was held at Gitmo. 
