Saturday, January 06, 2024

Joanna Macy: A Call to Reconnect with Our Planet


Bioneers Pulse – updates from the Bioneers Community


As we step into what could prove to be a very challenging new year against the backdrop of the truly existential climate and ecological crisis and a highly unstable geopolitical context, how do we transcend despair and cultivate resilience and hope to be able to continue our urgent quests for a sane future? In this edition of The Pulse, we explore this quest for resilience in the face of the pressing challenges we face. 

We’ll hear from some leading figures offering pathways toward hope, from trauma psychotherapist Eva Jahn's journey into the burgeoning field of climate psychology, to Krista Tippett and Christina Figueres on turning hope into action, and the legendary Joanna Macy on how to reconnect deeply with our planet.

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Exploring the Emergence of Climate Psychology: Understanding, Coping, and Acting Effectively in a Changing World

Climate psychology is an emerging field at the nexus of human psychology and the environmental crisis. It seeks to help us understand the psychological barriers that depress our energy and hinder our positive action in society. Trauma psychotherapist Eva Jahn began exploring this field after noticing emotional gaps in climate activism and the pain Earth's turmoil was inflicting most intensely on the most marginalized communities. In dialogue with Bioneers President Teo Grossman, Eva explores the psychological challenges raised by the climate crisis, highlighting coping strategies that permit us to maintain emotional well-being while still working effectively to improve the world.

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Choosing Hope: Reshaping Our Relationship with the Planet

How do we navigate the profound emotional trauma triggered by the environmental emergency and political paralysis in order to move beyond despair and cultivate resilience and hope so we can continue to work effectively to solve our collective problems?

Krista Tippett, a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, National Humanities medalist and New York Times bestselling author, hosts On Being, a podcast that explores what it means to be human (and will be in conversation at the 2024 Bioneers Conference). Read an excerpt from the episode “Ecological Hope, and Spiritual Evolution,” in which Tippet discusses finding hope and turning it into action with Christiana Figueres, who was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 2010-2016. 

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Register for Bioneers 2024 

It is more important now than ever that we connect and scale brilliant social movements to enact the kinds of breakthrough solutions we’ve cultivated at Bioneers for decades. We have an abundance of these solutions related to the biosphere, equity, justice, and democracy already on the table or in play. To enact them, we need peak movements. We need you.

We invite you to connect with the Bioneers community of leadership in this time when we’re all called upon to be leaders. The best way to predict the future is to create it.


Joanna Macy: A Call to Reconnect with Our Planet

Our existence is intrinsically linked to the vibrant pulse of the Earth, says the beloved and highly influential author and activist Joanna Macy. With unwavering conviction, Macy invites us to acknowledge our profound connection to the planet we call home. Her impassioned words echo the undeniable reality that every atom of our being and every breath we take are intertwined with the living fabric of Earth itself. 

Read an edited excerpt from the transcript of Joanna Macy’s 2023 Bioneers keynote address.

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Through engaging courses and conversations led by some of the world's foremost movement leaders, Bioneers Learning courses and Community Conversations equip engaged citizens and professionals like you with the knowledge, tools, resources, and networks to initiate or deepen your engagement, leading to real change in your life and community.

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