Monday, June 24, 2024

ICYMI: What the Hell Should We Be Doing About Rising Fascism?

Bioneers Pulse – updates from the Bioneers Community


As we face the existential crises of climate breakdown and worldwide threats to democracy, it is not time to despair. The world is full of insightful and tireless activists, movement-builders and engaged citizens. They are demonstrating that forward movement is possible, even amid these unprecedented challenges, and imploring us all to take part. 

Learn from their perspectives and experiences as they discuss topics such as tools we can use to protect and defend our privacy; how best to confront rising neo-fascist political actors nationally and internationally; the challenge of democracy in the context of the existential climate emergency; and the Rojava Revolution — the little-known but arguably most far-reaching social revolution of the 21st century. Featuring insights from Cindy Cohn, one of the nation’s leading civil liberties attorneys specializing in internet law; communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio; Colette Pichon Battle, co-founder of the climate justice organization Taproot Earth, and many others.

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Cindy Cohn: Why The Climate Fight is Digital

With climate advocates subject to surveillance and censorship and giant companies controlling the ways information and knowledge flow around the world, the fight to save our climate is now inextricably intertwined with digital rights. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has long been at the forefront of protecting those rights and has helped environmental activists safeguard their emails from bad actors, including polluting corporations. The EFF understands the surveillance activists are constantly under and has developed “Security Self-Defense” practices. EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn, one of the nation’s leading civil liberties attorneys specializing in Internet law, explains why EFF’s push for open access to scientific information, net neutrality, open source/patents, “creative commons” licenses, and more, is critical in the fight to prevent climatic unraveling.

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What the Hell Should We Be Doing About Rising Fascism?

Amid the current rise of authoritarian leaders, rhetoric, and movements in the U.S., we need to examine contemporary expressions of fascism and how individuals, communities, organizations, and networks can respond and resist. Especially in the context of the 2024 elections, the anti-fascist actions of millions of ordinary people will determine whether our baseline democratic norms and institutions will survive. 

We invite you to read an expert discussion featuring communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio, host of the “Words to Win By” podcast and Principal of ASO Communications; and Emily Lee, Executive Director of the grassroots movement-building organization Seed the Vote. The discussion was hosted by Linda Burnham, women’s rights and racial justice activist since the 1960s, co-editor of “Power Concedes Nothing: How Grassroots Organizing Wins Elections,” author of Project2050, and co-creator of the online curriculum Fascism101.

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The Rojava Revolution: Women’s Liberation, Democracy and Ecology in North-East Syria

Over the past decade, the most far-reaching social revolution of the 21st century has taken place in Syria’s Kurdish-majority Northeast, commonly referred to as Rojava. Though still largely unknown, today roughly a third of Syrian territory is governed not by a nation-state but through a federation of participatory local councils known officially as the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES). Despite conditions of constant war and isolation, the people of Rojava are building and defending a society rooted in principles of direct democracy, women’s autonomy, cultural diversity, cooperative economics, and social ecology. 

We’re delighted to be able to bring you a discussion featuring two writers and activists who recently returned from the region, Anna Rebrii and Arthur Pye of the Emergency Committee for Rojava. They discuss the revolution’s achievements, its challenges, and its enduring relevance for liberatory movements worldwide. Bioneers Senior Producer J.P. Harpignies moderated the discussion, which was co-sponsored with the Emergency Committee for Rojava.

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Democracy Means Community Engagement, Every Day

We simultaneously face two related existential crises — climate breakdown and radical threats to democracy worldwide. The climate emergency demands a fundamental restructuring of governance keyed to both biospheric realities and to addressing obscene inequality. Can democracy withstand climate chaos? Is a reformed and stronger democracy our best hope to make it through the long emergency ahead of us? What’s needed?

Watch an excerpt from an insightful talk on these questions in this panel discussion featuring Chief Oren Lyons, legendary Indigenous Rights and climate leader, Faithkeeper, Onandaga Nation, Haudenosaune; Jennifer Riley Collins, Southeast Regional Administrator for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Colette Pichon Battle, co-founder of the climate justice organization Taproot Earth. The panel was hosted by Ben Davis, of Wend Collective and Civic (Re)solve.  

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Upcoming Bioneers Learning Courses

We’re excited to announce that our new season of Bioneers Learning is online, and registration is open! You can register for our first-ever self-paced courses, along with courses covering topics such as the Rights of Nature movement, gender equity, regenerative herbalism, and sacred activism.

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