Sunday, September 29, 2024

Our climate future is an election issue (someone tell COMMON DREAMS)

THE WEATHER CHANNEL notes, "Millions of people across the Southeast remained without power Sunday in the aftermath of Helene. For many in the western Carolinas, rescues were still happening, as crews tried to reach communities isolated by flooding and landslides." At least sixty people lost their lives.  At COMMON DREAMS, Jessica Corbett notes:

The youth-led Sunrise Movementsaid Sunday that "any reporting about Hurricane Helene needs to be clear—this is not normal. This is not just a tragedy. This is a crime. Fossil fuel companies have known this would happen for the last 50 years. They lied to the public and bought out our government just to make a profit. Make them pay."

Greenpeace USA similarly declared on social media Saturday that "#HURRICANEHELENE MUST BE A WAKE-UP CALL FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE!"

"We are heartbroken," the group said, noting the dozens of people killed. "Communities have been devastated. The corporations heating the climate must be held accountable." 

Corbett goes on to misreport by next including a Tweet from the increasingly deranged Nina Turner who tries to paint a picture of this being a non-political issue.

Wrong.  This is absolutely a political issue.  Maybe Nina needs to find one topic -- at least one -- she can be an expert on.  Maybe that would put an end to her non-stop tumbles and fumbles of recent years.

Her comments are pure stupidity.  And its journalist malpractice for Jessica to even include them.  It amounts to climate change denialism.  That's what it is.  Donald Trump does not give a damn about climate change.  He didn't address it when he was previously in the White House and his plans for another four years include dismantling oversight.  His supporters -- such as Elon Musk -- are fine with trashing the earth because they believe that they can colonize Mars.  This is not minor.

Jessica and COMMON DREAMS are guilty of not just misreporting but of endangering the planet.  There was no reason for Nina Turner's b.s. Tweet to be included.  There was every reason to note that Donald is not going to protect the planet.  There was every reason to note Joe Biden's efforts over the last four years which have not been enough but have been something.  And there's every reason to note Kamala's plans and how a Kamala presidency would be more open to pressure. 

It's interesting that Jessica includes Nina Turner's Tweet but not this Tweet from Antonia Juhasz:

Let me note some from Antonia.  She reTweeted this:

And she Tweeted this:

And she Tweeted this:

Guess which one of the three above Tweets and one reTweet that Jessica notes in her article?  That's right, the one that doesn't mention Kamala Harris. 

It's amazing just how far COMMON DREAMS went to ignore Kamala.  They are supposed to be a left outlet yet they repeatedly expose themselves as something other than that.

Our planet is at risk.  Your choices are Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.  For COMMON DREAMS, they're not really in the fight to save the earth.  They make that clear with their selective coverage where even when they're quoting someone (their Tweet) about the topic, they ignore the support for Kamala.

Jessica ends her article with this:

Highlighting the connection between climate change and more intense hurricanes, Congressman Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.) said Thursday that "the climate crisis is here. We must act to save lives."

And how are we going to do that Jessica?  One way would be voting Kamala and then holding her feet to the fire on the climate issue.  But apparently, even a little over a month away from the election, COMMON DREAMS refuses to entertain that idea.  Even though that's the easiest action that anyone can take for climate justice.

Days before Jessica's dangerous typing went up, Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling (THE NEW REPUBLIC) explained:

Hurricane Helene has derailed the Republican presidential ticket’s campaign across the South, forcing Trump’s vice presidential pick, J.D. Vance, to cancel several stops in Georgia. But the 20-foot storm surge–inducing, tornado-spawning weather event hasn’t yet changed Trump’s stance on his plan to tear down the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, root and branch.

The climate agency, whose responsibilities include providing free weather forecasts as well as tracking and predicting hurricanes, would be completely gutted under Project 2025, the 920-page Christian nationalist manifesto that purports to be Trump’s second-term agenda. (Trump has haltingly and not particularly convincingly attempted to disavow Project 2025; a recently unearthed video features one of the project’s authors bragging that there will be “one-to-one mirroring” of the policies laid out in the document and Trump’s proposals.) 

Are you getting it?  Because it's sailing right over the heads of the people working for COMMON DREAMS.

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