Nazli Tarzi (ARAB WEEKLY) reports:
Calls by Iran-backed Iraqi militia leaders for the withdrawal of US troops have grown in the past month but it’s far from clear the efforts will be successful.
The militia leaders have the loyalty of fighters enlisted in the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) and are represented by the Fatah Alliance and its allies in parliament. They are rallying behind legislation that proposes to sever military and, by extension, political ties with the United States.
Fadhel Jabir, a member of the Fatah-aligned al-Sadiqoun bloc, said the bid to expel foreign troops is not exclusive to US servicemen, hinting that Turkish soldiers would also be asked to leave their bases in Iraq.
Jabir’s remarks echoed calls by the leader of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq militia, Qais al-Khazali, who confidently predicted that the legislation would pass with ease in parliament. “I think more than half the members of parliament reject the presence of American military forces as a matter of principle,” Khazali, who represents a 15-member bloc in parliament, told the Associated Press.
And, to be clear, there's nothing the Iranian government is doing that the US government isn't also doing. Both want to control (enslave?) Iraq.
Too many times, we're derailed by idiots who say things like, "At least I never doubted Richard Nixon cared about the US!"
You never doubted it?
You stupid ass. What a stupid thing to say. Take your ass off the stage. No one remembers you. No one wants to hear from you. We've been exceedingly kind to you and let you rewrite history to where you were a confused young woman not sure of your own sexuality when, in fact, you were nailing every woman you could and then some. You weren't experimenting, you knew you were gay, and that, Janis Ian, is why THE VILLAGE VOICE outed you. You were living like you were Robert Plant, grabbing any woman you could.
And we're kind to you and applaud you and let you lie about what really went down. We look the other way as you celebrate Kenny Loggins and this man and that man all while pretending to be a pro-woman lesbian.
But now you're lying that Richard Nixon cared about the US?
And that Donald Trump doesn't?
Why don't you stop projecting on both men and instead get honest about your whoreful ways back in the day? Why don't you stop pretending that every woman cheated on you but you were steadfast and loyal and never, ever cheated on any woman.
In other words, keep lying but just keep lying about your own personal life. How about that?
Donald Trump loves the United States. He doesn't love what I love about it, but he does love it.
Suggesting otherwise is b.s.
And whether he loves the US or not, people in Iraq are dying. And Janis, you don't give a s**t. You've made that clear. So go finger yourself while you moan about Hillary Clinton being your commander in chief, but stop pretending that you have anything to offer the world.
We get it, Bob Dylan thought you were sexy when you were underage. So you suck up to him. We get it. You're useless to the world.
And Ava and I will write about that at THIRD but I just saw Janis' latest b.s. and want to scream. Were I Cher, I would be using the c-word to describe Janis right now.
And have we also forgot about Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Iran.... and 

when has the U.S. ever been the good guys other than world war 1 and 2????

Where's Janis?
The reality is that Janis Ian has never helped out when it was required. The reality is that she pretends to care about causes but doesn't. When she was rightly outed by THE VILLAGE VOICE all those years ago? Read what she wrote about that. And she wrote it decades after she came out but it is still nothing but shame. Shame is in the remarks she makes about how she lives in Nashville even though she knows some people there wouldn't want her to watch their children because she's a lesbian. First off, who really thinks like that about their neighbors? (I'm talking about who sits around wondering whether their neighbors would want them to watch their children.) Second, she wants tolerance, not acceptance.
Grasp that. Grasp that she made those remarks in the last 12 months.
Grasp that today, 'liberation' to Janis is tolerance.
She is right now where 'liberal' politicians were in the 90s.
How pathetic.
People like that need to sit down and not speak. Their cowardice is not only embarrassing, it stunts the whole world.
There are wars taking place. Janis will never call them out -- while pretending to be a social activist. She'll instead focus on the b.s. of telling the world that Donald Trump hates the United States. How does she know? Her vibrator -- one that she probably hides even from her wife -- told her.
The following sites updated:
Idiot of the week: Janis Ian
32 minutes ago
Julian Assange the hero, Janis Ian the disgrace
46 minutes ago