Saturday, October 19, 2024
The only thing crazier than Donald Trump? Leftists or 'leftists' trying to re-elect him
Each day it becomes more clear that not only should Donald Trump not be running for president, but some loved on -- someone has to love him, right? -- should be moving towards a conservatorship because he's clearly unable to manage his own affairs.
He spent time in a speech talking about the size of a dead man's penis. Grasp that.
Arnold Palmer's been dead for eight years. Donald's talking about Arnold's cock.
Americans are worried about healthcare, housing and food -- about reproductive rights, about Civil Rights, about our nation continuing to be a democracy. And Donald's talking about how excited he got -- at least six years ago -- when he saw Arnold Palmer's penis.
Donald does know that October 11th was coming out day, right? Not October 19th.
David McAffee (RAW STORY) notes some reactions to this bizarre moment:
A popular Harris page, Kamala’s Wins, said, "In a senile moment, Donald Trump is rambling about the size of Arnold Palmer’s private parts. This is insane."
Republicans against Trump said, "Trump’s closing message to voters in PA is to talk about Arnold Palmer’s d---."
Bloomberg columnist Matthew Yglesias echoed those sentiments, saying, "Trump’s closing argument is about the size of Arnold Palmer’s d---."
HuffPost reporter Yashar Ali chimed in:
"At his Pennsylvania rally, former President Trump talks about the late golfing legend Arnold Palmer’s d--- size."
GOP pollster and Trump critic Sarah Longwell called the comment part of the ex-president's "c----nitive decline."
He's in decline and a functioning media would note that. Sadly, the corporate media does a better job than our so-called 'independent' media does. I spent time writing eight paragraphs calling out a dumb bitch at MOTHER JONES. Then I realized it's our topic -- Ava and my topic -- at THIRD where we'll also be noting Sasha's nonsense.
I am so sick of it. I am so sick of supposed left sites working overtime to depress turnout in this election so that Trump ends up with four more years. You are all pathetic -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, et al -- and you will find out what it's like to exist on a real budget because funding dreams and goals are not going to be met in 2025. Not after all the crap you have pulled in 2024. No, a lot of you are going to have to get real jobs and do actual work for a change.
The typical piece of garbage they write goes like this:
Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today in Georgia and explained that Americans love and need M&Ms and one of the first thing she'll be doing as president, if elected, is funding M&Ms for all Americans.
However, as everyone knows, we don't all eat M&MS and she was silent on Snickers! Junior Mints, Hershey bars were all omitted! In her four minutes on M&Ms in her speech, she never once mentioned the 150 year Chocolate War or how the British took over the chocolate industry early on in the 19th century. She seemed to think that her paltry offer of M&Ms for all wiped the slate clean.
That's the kind of garbage our 'left' and 'independent' media keeps serving up. For now. I mean they're not independent. They count on donations and it's not the five or ten dollars you give each month. They need the big money and that's going to be denied to them after their performance this year. So they'll find out what it truly is like to be "independent." They won't be able to count on big donors because we've all seen the crap they did with our money this year.
In the past, John Kerry on M&Ms would have resulted in, "John Kerry today in California spoke about the need for M&Ms for all Americans and that's long overdue. The plan includes . . . "
Instead, we're getting little bitches who are really bad online cash master that can't understand why people won't give them money after the little bitches have insulted and degraded their audience.
(Cash masters are men -- and women -- who insult followers into humiliation and make their money that way. They're all over TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and ONLY FANS. If you need more information about that, DM Glennyth Greenwald who is big time into being humiliated and degraded.)
There are very real issues at stake here. And it's appalling to watch the so-called left work so hard to elect Donald Trump. Because that is what they're doing.
Yesterday afternoon, Bart Jansen, Josh Meyer and Aysha Bagchi (USA TODAY) reported:
The newly released documents also show that an unnamed organization budgeted as much as $3 million on the Jan. 6 rally and related events, including for bringing VIP guests and protesters to Washington and ad buys for a show of force.
Several versions of the “Confidential – Not To Be Disclosed” document are included, with some redactions, and appear to have been prepared for House Jan. 6 Select Committee investigating the attacks, which disclosed some of the information.
But the documents released Friday show that $1 million was budgeted for Turning Point Action, a grassroots non-profit group founded in 2019 by Charlie Kirk to embolden young conservatives “through grassroots activism.”
The money was earmarked for having TPA deploy social media influencers and students from around the country to Washington to attend the rally, to produce “all the video content at the event” and to run nationwide ads “educating millions about the significance of January 6th for President Trump.”
Another $500,000 was budgeted for a group founded by Donald Trump Jr., “Save the U.S. Senate,” to stop alleged voter fraud in Georgia and help re-elect Republican Senate candidates Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. The document said the investment would “help support attendance" at a Jan. 4 rally with Trump in Georgia and to make additional ad buys featuring Trump’s eldest son “to encourage Senators Loeffler and Perdue to vote to stop the steal in Georgia on January 6.”
The budget documents show another $400,000 was budgeted for Tea Party Express to create a centralized website to promote the rally events on January 5th and 6th, including targeted ads and a television, radio and digital campaign to promote the January 6th rally and encourage attendance.
Don't see anything about that at MOTHER JONES. I stopped after the first 28 headlines at COMMON DREAMS -- but didn't see anything about that nor any piece encouraging people to vote for Kamala Harris.
But COMMON DREAMS and all the rest have their sordid history. Do most people realize how much time, for example, COMMON DREAMS spent building Peter Van Buren up? A borderline psychopath who had a smattering of observations that were accurate. We noted him. We noted the things he was right about. And we noted all the many more things he was wrong about. That was years ago, probably over ten years ago, maybe longer. But COMMON DREAMS continued to publish him. Even after his grift was known. In fact, they were publishing him as late as two years ago (March 18, 2022, "Iraq War Lesson: When the Media Seduces US Into War"). Long after his MAGA ways were known, they were publishing him. Long after he was the mouthpiece at conservative outlets, COMMON DREAMS was publishing him. And they never once alerted their readers about just how damaging Peter had become. COMMON DREAMS never aired those beliefs -- or let their readers know that they were promoting MAGA crazy. I can do this with all the outlets by the way. But let's note a positive. POST-LEFT WATCH is a TWITTER account you should check out. It covers the grifters who are faux left and on the MAGA gravy train -- all the anti-vaxer sickos (including an idiot who ran repeatedly for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination before getting kicked out of Congress).
They also call out the corrupt and idiotic George Galloway. Tom Hayden was right about George. Not a Tom fan, though I knew for many years, but he did make this call and he was right -- Galloway is a grifter and using his program to get people to vote for Donald Trump. And he's lying that Barack's gay. How does this creep still have a hold on anyone?
It's like Ed Snowden. Ed, you're a chicken ass piece of crap. That's all you are. Stop lying on your TWITTER feed "I used to work for the government, but now I work for the public." No, you don't. You work for the Russian government now, possibly. You don't call out Vladimir Putin because you don't want to be kicked out of Russia. And you don't work for the American people because you claim only 40% of the information got released to the American people. That was almost a decade ago. So stop pretending you work for the people. You're a candy ass coward and that's all you are.
Chelsea Manning didn't flee the country.
Ed's in Russia and silent on Putin for that reason and yet also silent on what wasn't revealed about US government spying (aka what Greenwald buried those Ed's such a little bitch he licks Glenn's toes and acts like nothing was withheld).
I'm tired of all the liars and the whores. Aren't you too?
This election matters and I've never felt that way like this before. Our very democracy is at stake and I'm not in the mood for your both sides crap.
Whatever anger, pain, fear, or strategic hope may cause you to lean toward a vote for Stein, West, or whoever else or to not vote at all in swing states, those choices will undeniably help Trump. Only Trump or Harris will win. Yes, Harris could act in ways to make it easier for Trump-haters to vote for her. And yes, she would be very, very far from a president that you or I would ideally want. But nonetheless, to defeat Harris is to help elect Trump. And to elect Trump would seriously and perhaps even irredeemably hurt every progressive program and prospect that anyone seeks, here and everywhere. When Trump says the real enemy is the enemy within, the “radical left lunatics” who may need to be dealt with by the national guard or the military, he is talking about us. Drill baby drill. Enrich the rich. Abort abortion. Crush all enemies. Get it over with, already. These are not manipulative slogans for him. They are a carefully planned program. Wake up to that on Nov 6th and declare strategic victory? Seriously?
I wonder, do Stein and other third candidates not understand such a trivially simple observation? Are they so ignorant, so unable to reason, that that observation eludes them? I do not think so. But if not that, then do Stein and other candidates and their advocates instead think that getting people to vote for them and not for Harris in swing states is some kind of radical blow for a better future, thereby offsetting the fact that it undeniably helps Trump? Or perhaps they think the act of voting for Harris to stop Trump will inexorably cause such voters to become politically passive and it would be better to have Trump in full power violently working overtime to compel their passivity. I have not been able to personally chat with any of them to ask. I have also not been able to convey nearly as effectively or as widely as I would like the obvious truth that to oppose genocide, to be caring, to be radical, to be revolutionary, and to vote your conscience (where your conscience is cognizant), all entail voting to stop Trump. And I have not been able to ask Stein, West, or other third candidates how and why they disagree with those efforts. How come?
Stein has said, we are in “a very dire situation that will be continued under both Democrats and Republicans. So we say there is no lesser evil in this race.” So I suppose that is her answer. How comes it that she so outrageously denies reality. Is she blinded by the light of her 1 percent campaign? Is she blinded by the lure of the press coverage she gets when she says such things? I don’t know. But now we have another, and I think a more honest, albeit no less disturbing answer to why from an exemplary activist who is arguably Stein’s most savvy and accomplished supporter.
You may remember Kshama Sawant, Seattle’s socialist city council member from 2010 to 2024. I won’t review her history. It suffices to say she has been a singularly successful left candidate and has been on the progressive, radical, and revolutionary side of issue after issue. She has been courageous, brilliant, and committed. One need not have liked her every move or her every allegiance to feel that she has been exemplary in numerous ways.
But according to news reports Sawant recently went from Seattle to Michigan to campaign for and with Jill Stein at a Stein Rally in Dearborn. Sawant is highly knowledgeable. She is no one’s fool. She did not say vote for Stein to express your conscience. She did not say vote for Stein to show you are radical. She did not say vote for Stein to build the Green Party. No. Sawant said, “We need to be clear about what our goals are… We are not in a position to win the White House. But we do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan. And the polls show that most likely Harris cannot win the election without Michigan.” And in case that didn’t express her intent clearly enough, she added we are “fighting to defeat Harris, not just symbolically but in reality.” Michigan “is ground zero to punish Kamala Harris and defeat her…. We need to break the two-party system, and we need to begin that by breaking this election for the Democrats in Michigan.” Back in June, Trump made his oddly similar feelings about Stein known. “I like her also, Jill Stein, I like her very much.,,, You know why? She takes 100% from them.” I guess Trump could now say the same about Sawant.
Okay, I admit that I can’t imagine that Sawant will read this essay, or that Stein will, but maybe some people will who are understandably feeling that if they vote for Harris in Michigan, or in any swing state, it would seem to say genocide is okay. The system is okay. The Democrats are my champions. Or it would deny their own personal past. Or it would seem to accept a supine future. And so, they understandably hesitate.
I have been trying to hear, empathize with, and take those types of fears and concerns to heart, not least because I share many of them. And I of course know that Arab Americans and Palestinian Americas have tragically lost family members. I likewise know that American progressives and radicals are rightly and righteously furious at American complicity. But Sawant is being honest. Can you hear her? Is her intent your intent too? If so, then I guess yes, you should vote for Stein and on election night if Harris wins and you are happy about it, or if Trump wins and you are despondent or worse about it, I guess then, perhaps you might want to reconsider the path you chose.
I love these White people like John Cusack (who can't act and has always been fat, ugly and smelly -- oh, and box office poison, don't forget that, John in the lead means the film's a flop) who tokenize Arab Americans. They're the little pin he puts on his shirt collar this year. Who will it be next year?
The Dreamers are to be abandoned as are Latinos across the country (Donald's immigration plans will target all Latinos -- not just Latino immigrants -- grasp that you F**KING idiot -- they will all be detained and they will all be processed because they will be suspect just because they're Latinos), as are African-Americans, as are all women, as is education -- now Donald wants to destroy the Dept of Education.
He is a threat to our very way of life and I don't have time for fake asses who pretend otherwise. Ed Snowden, shut your damn mouth. No one needs to hear from you. You failed to reveal even half of what you claim you knew and had proof of. So just shut up. Continue being an apologist for Putin and stay the f**k out of US business because your the coward who ran. Have an ugly baby with Tara Reade -- if she can still get pregnant at her current weight. You both defected to Russia so leave us alone. We're tired of your grifting and your lying and everything else.
Again, Chelsea didn't run. Maybe that accounts for Ed's recent bitchy comment about transgender people?
The following sites updated:
Friday, October 18, 2024
Iraq snapshot
Friday, October 18, 2024. Donald Trump continues to flame out before our eyes as the mind goes and his little weasel JD demonstrates clearly that you wouldn't want him around your own mother.
On Monday, radio host Charlamagne tha God described what he saw as the alternative Americans faced if they rejected Harris. “The other is about fascism,” he said. “Why can’t we just say it?”
She responded: “Yes, we can say that.”
Harris’ explicit overtures to Republicans reflect her campaign’s view that there are sizeable numbers of mainline GOP voters who have been repulsed by Trump over the last nine years, and particularly following his Jan. 6, 2021, coup attempt.
As more than a dozen former Republican elected officials and White House aides stood on stage, a local couple introduced Harris, saying that although they had previously supported Trump, she’d won their vote this year.
“Jan. 6 was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me,” said Bob Lange, who said his wife, Kristina, was “ahead of the curve” because she only voted for Trump once, rather than twice like he did.
Harris spoke in detail about Trump’s actions leading up to and on Jan. 6, including an element that has received little attention: what would have happened if Trump had had a more pliant vice president and his coup had succeeded.
“He sent a mob, an armed mob, to the United States Capitol, where they violently assaulted police officers, law enforcement officials, and threatened the life of his own vice president, and he refused to engage in the peaceful transfer of power,” Harris said. “Were it not for the courage and patriotism of Vice President [Mike] Pence that day, Donald Trump might have actually succeeded in overturning the will of the American people.”
She then tied Trump’s actions in the final days of his term to his new claim that Americans who oppose him constitute an “enemy from within” and his threat to deploy the U.S. military against them.
Remember, Chief Justice John Roberts and the U.S. Supreme Court killed democracy this year. They gave the president unlimited immunity for official acts. Only the Supreme Court can decide what “official” acts are. That’s a star chamber – right out in the open. That’s not democracy.
Trump has already said he’ll jail his opponents. That would be an official act, as defined by the U.S. Supreme Court. James Carville is one of the few people who recognize this and was laughed at in some circles for saying it recently. But he’s not the only one sounding the warning bell.
Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair retired Gen. Mark Milley called Trump “a total fascist,” according to excerpts from a recent book.
Then there’s Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen. “He absolutely will do this,” Cohen warned me. “Don’t kid yourself. When he says he’ll rain fire down on his enemies, he’s not just talking about immigrants,” Cohen added. The kicker to this is Cohen is still embroiled in legal action against Trump regarding his First Amendment rights and that has gone underreported by a press that should know better. "After all," Cohen notes, "it’s everyone’s First Amendment right. And just think what will happen if Trump is back in power. Do you think he wants critics in the press pool? Do you think he’s going to allow you back in? He’s going to go after anyone who questions him and that’s why the press should be covering this issue more. And you aren’t.”
So understand. It isn’t Harris vs. Trump. It isn’t the Democrats vs. Republicans. It’s Democracy vs. new-age nazis. If you doubt that, then take a look at the recent flotilla of boats in the South where boaters were screaming “Make America White Again,” while flying nazi and Trump flags.
Trump’s people are trying their best to avoid this issue and we in the press are doing a horrible job reporting it. Why are we still reporting about the immigration problems on the border when we know that Trump killed legislation that could help problems on the border – just so he could run on the issue? Brett Baier didn’t hesitate to ask Harris about immigration when she sat down for an interview with FOX News. I applaud her effort to reach Fox voters and I find Baier’s disingenuous question more campaign manure that shouldn’t be spread – after all too many are eager to lap it up as if it were filet instead of excrement.
In the filing — the first time Smith has formally given his view of how the Supreme Court’s decision in Fischer v. United States affects the Jan. 6 prosecution of the former president — the special counsel pointed to what he alleges were efforts by Trump and his allies to have slates of electors in states won by Joe Biden cast their vote instead for Trump. That, Smith argued, qualifies as impairment of evidence and obstruction of an official proceeding, even under the Supreme Court’s new, narrower guidance.
“In language that applies directly to the allegations here, the Supreme Court explained that [the obstruction statute]’s criminal prohibition includes ‘creating false evidence,’” namely “fraudulent electoral certificates,” prosecutors wrote in a nine-page answer to Trump’s motion to dismiss two of the four charges against him.
Contrary to Trump’s claim that he bears no factual or legal responsibility for the “events on January 6,” lead prosecutor James Pearce wrote, his indictment alleges that he “willfully caused his supporters to obstruct and attempt to obstruct the proceeding by summoning them to Washington, D.C., and then directing them to march to the Capitol to pressure the Vice President and legislators to reject the legitimate certificates and instead rely on the fraudulent electoral certificates.”
In his response at the Univision event, Trump also distanced himself from the attack on the Capitol, while minimizing the damage done by a mob of his supporters.
"Nothing done wrong at all," he said in a lengthy response after a Republican voter from Florida said Trump had lost his vote because of his response to the riot and the Covid pandemic. The voter also questioned why he should support Trump when so many people who held high positions in his administration, including former Vice President Mike Pence, weren't backing him in the 2024 race.
As the obviously fuming Lemire explained, "Mika, one more note about Donald Trump yesterday, the clip we played about January 6th, talking about 'we,' as he always talks about, uses the word 'we' when he talks about the January 6th rioters."
"He said, 'we were there peacefully, they had the guns," he reported. "The 'they'? They were Capitol police officers –– that shows you Donald Trump's framing of January 6th."
That culminated Wednesday night with a very choice word: “we.”
But Trump made no apologies for that day. What he instead did was actually link himself to the rioters — stronger than he ever has before.
“There were no guns down there; we didn’t have guns,” Trump said, before repeating: “The others had guns, but we didn’t have guns.”
The first thing to note is that’s false; Trump supporters did have guns and many other weapons. But also consider what Trump has done rhetorically. He cast the insurrectionists as a “we.”
It's a topic Lawrence O'Donnell did a strong walk through in the video below.
Donald remains a clear and present danger. He can't stop demonizing people -- American citizens -- that he doesn't like. Maria Villarroel (LATIN TIMES) notes:
Trump acknowledged his categorization of Democrats during a night town hall on Tuesday in Cumming, Georgia, hosted by Fox News' Harris Faulkner. The broadcaster asked Trump to clarify the statement, to which he responded by calling the opposing party "evil" and "dangerous."
"They're Marxists and communists and fascists, and they're sick," Trump said. "We have China, we have Russia, we have all these countries. If you have a smart president, they can all be handled. The more difficult are, you know, the Pelosis, these people, they're so sick and they're so evil."
Trump's controversial comments took place after Fox News' host Maria Bartiromo asked the former president whether he was "expecting chaos on Election Day," particularly highlighting participation from people on the terrorist watch list or migrants who have committed crimes.
"I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within," Trump responded. "We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they're the big— and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by the National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can't let that happen."
Vice President Kamala Harris quickly responded to Trump's declaration, calling a second Trump term "dangerous" at a Pennsylvania rally and releasing an ad titled "Enemy Within." She also called him "increasingly unstable and unhinged," saying he plans to use the military against American citizens and is "out for unchecked power."

Over the course of his 39 years, Vance’s first, middle and last names have all been altered in one way or another. As Vance is being introduced to voters across the country as Donald Trump’s new running mate, his name has been the source of both curiosity and questions — including why he no longer uses periods in JD.
Let's note Mike Lofgren on this same topic at COMMON DREAMS:
Why did someone a good deal wealthier than most of us abandon his own mother as a public charge on Medicaid? And even when she got off Medicaid, couldn’t he have bought her a health insurance policy, rather than relying on Obamacare? In his autohagiography, Vance made sure the reader got the message that his was a difficult, dysfunction-ridden family. But there is an answer to that.
Vance has also made sure everyone knows he is a pious Catholic of a very strict, antimodernist type, holding that theological precepts should guide secular government (his professed belief is responsible for his frankly idiotic opinions about cat ladies and childless people not deserving the same voting rights as people with children). This should of course make us wary of anyone holding such views getting his hands on executive power; these people have already wrecked the Supreme Court. It also suggests his ostentatious religiosity is largely phony and used as a vehicle for his ambition to rise in the Republican Party.
Isn’t it the Christian thing to do to help those in need, especially as they are your own family, and even more so when they are bedeviled by addiction and other problems? Jesus did not scorn the beggar and the lepers. And don’t the Ten Commandments (which Republican state governments want to make a mandatory part of the public school curriculum) tell us to “honor thy father and thy mother?”
Vance is a 24-karat fraud, the eternal rogue in the human poker deck. How appropriate that he is now the consort, as it were, of Donald Trump, the pathological liar. How fitting that he rose so quickly, after a mere two years, to the very top of the morally bankrupt party I left, more than a dozen years ago, in disgust.
If you're into the topic, read the full column, I'm cutting the above and including because it's effective. We've been hitting on JD for the last three days and maybe we just hit a pocket where he's strangely popular? It could be. But the reason we've hit on it is because some people will stand up and defend him. I haven't read all of Lofgren's column. Actually none of it. The snapshot's dictated and another friend called to ask me to include Mike's column which I'm glad to do. But they read it quickly with me saying "Next!" after the first line of each paragraph until we got the part above. And that's not an insult to Mike, his column's worth reading in full but I'm running -- I exercise while I dictate -- and don't have time to stop and pull up the column on my phone and don't have time to hear the whole thing.
We grabbed the section that would reach. Column's great and it will educate you -- including how MAGA pretends to be about family and many other thins. But on JD's duplicitous nature, nothing is making that more clear to groups we speak to then hitting on Mom's lack of insurance. That's why after this proved effective on Tuesday, I wanted to find out when the money came in and what he was doing -- and what he was doing was purchasing a house that cost more than a million dollars while ignoring the health needs of his own mother.
My mother passed away some time ago. So I throw that in and note that maybe that's why I find this so shocking -- I miss my own mother so it seems repulsive to me that someone who had so much wealth wouldn't even try to help his mother with insurance.
And that's the blow that takes out support for the little weasel when you're face to face with people. That's what they can identify with. I bring up my mother's passing and it sets the tone because their mother has passed or now they're thinking about the day when their mom will pass. And it's no longer abstract. And when you boil it down to his mother needing help to get insurance and he's off buying a house that costs over a million dollars, that tends to nail him in everyone's eyes as the selfish little weasel that he truly is. So if you're speaking to friends or speaking to groups and you need to deal with the reality of Miss Sassy JD Vance, that's a topic you should probably hit on. There's an effort afoot to redefine him and that's one of the easiest ways you can convey to others what a weirdo he is -- so much weirder than we initially knew.
The following sites updated:
A video I liked9 hours ago
Fakes like Trump and Aaron Rodgers9 hours ago
Accountability9 hours ago
Sitcoms9 hours ago
Liam Payne9 hours ago
Pete's right9 hours ago
One-Pot Chicken Chow Mein9 hours ago
Thursday, October 17, 2024
New Issue of The BlackCommentator - Trump and His Racism
The Black Commentator Issue #1013 is now Online
Hurricane preparation, survival and cleanup
delayed publication of this issue
October 15, 2024

Read issue 1013


The Black Commenentator | P.O. Box 2635, A weekly publication dedicated to economic justice, social justice and peace., Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-2635 |