You make me smile
You make me sing
You make me feel good's everything
You bring me up
When I've been down
This only happens when you're around.
-- "Too Shy to Say" words & music by Stevie Wonder
"You" are the five people who e-mailed and "you" are Laura Flanders. I appreciate the heads up re: Dhar Jamail reporting on Laura Flanders' radio show. Had I known he'd be on, I would've attempted to give a heads up in the post.
One person who e-mailed said the post prior (Here Come the Madmen) was not "supporting our troops." I'll address that in a future post (hopefully tomorrow). I'm already working on some posts for tonight (ideally two more) but, as I e-mailed JB, I do intend to address the issue he raised tomorrow.
As usual, Laura Flanders' show is worth listening to. If you've never checked it out, here's the website:
I did appreciate the feedback and wanted to say thank you while I'm listening to Flanders and while I'm working on the two posts I was hoping to get up tonight.