Twelve families have just heard the words, "We regret to inform you." The Dow could skyrocket to the ozone but life for these families is filled with pain. Life is painful for all families who have lost so much in this senseless war of deception. Sympathy cards say, "May your memories bring you comfort." They don't. They bring a longing for days when those children inside the flag-draped coffins were alive, living their dreams and looking forward to their futures.
The stock market is surging. Sectarian violence has been surging for months. Iraq is in a civil war and no matter what George Bush says about our mission there, he is a failed president with the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on his hands. James Baker calls Iraq a 'helluva mess.' Bush says it's the central front in the war on terror. Experts now tell us that there will be no democracy in Iraq. They, also, have told us that this war has increased terrorism and we are less safe as a result.
It is time for every parent who has lost a child in this war to say, "No more." It is time for every mother and father to question the number of explanations for invading and occupying Iraq that George Bush has fed the American public. It is time for each family member whose loved one is either dead, dismembered, brain damaged, or suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of Bush's war to examine these changing reasons-from Saddam's WMD program to spreading democracy in the Middle East to a fight between good and evil. It is time for every single human being to think about the people of Iraq whose grief is as painfully suffocating as our own, whose loved ones have been killed or maimed by a choice for violence that is not justified and only brings more violence. It is time for all of us to understand why we are hated by much of the world. It is time to stop our march of conquest. It is time for peace.
The above, noted by Mia, is from Missy Comley Beattie's "Surges: the Dow and the Death Count" (CounterPunch). Missy Comley Beattie is a member of Military Families Speak Out so let's note their upcoming action:
Stop the Back Door Draft
Bring All Our Troops Home NOW!
Honor the Fallen
November 9-11 in Washington, DC
On November 9, 2006, Military Families Speak Out members, along with Iraq veterans and veterans of other wars, will be delivering a petition to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld at the Pentagon and to Congress calling for an end to the Back Door Draft and for all of our troops to be brought home now! On November 11, Veterans Day, we will be honoring the fallen in Washington, DC, with a display of flags representing U.S. troops who have died in the war and photographs of Iraqi children, women and men whose lives have been lost. We need your help! Click here to sponsor a flag and sign our petition online.
This is only one of the actions coming up. We're going to start this entry by noting some of those actions. Prior to the petition being delivered to Rumsfeld, there will be a sit in around the White House. From Cindy Sheehan's "Playing the Numbers Game by Cindy Sheehan" (Gold Star Families for Peace):
How much of these criminals and their crimes can we stomach? I can't stomach anymore and I call anyone in America who is sick to death of the people we employ to represent us, representing their own interests and the war machine's interests to join Gold Star Families for Peace in front of the White House for a sit-in to surround it and tell the people who mislead us that we want our country back and our troops out of Iraq. We are tired of politics as usual, which mean lies and the stealing of our freedoms. We want honest and brave politicians, ie,: politics as unusual!
Please go to Gold Star Families for Peace for details of our sit-in which will run from November 6th to the 9th.
Also, go to Progressive Democrats of America to sign the petition to support Congressman Jim McGovern's bill, HR4232, which cuts funding for the continuing occupation. Ending the funding is what stopped Vietnam. Let's cut Iraq off before it becomes as bad as Vietnam.
We the people of my generation and older need to put our bodies on the line for our children and grandchildren. I want to be able to look in the eyes of my (hopefully) future grand-children and say with a clear conscience: "Your grandma did everything she could to make your world a better place."
Brandon asked if we could note the above again. There are actions all over and if there's one you're supporting, e-mail about it so we can note it here. We'll talk about events and actions in a minute but first let's note some more actions. Erika notes this from CODEPINK:
Walk In Their Shoes. Shoes, like this pair representing the 3-year-old daughter of Hussein al Tarish, help people visualize unspeakable pain and suffering this war has inflicted on the Iraqi people. In the final weeks of the election season, let's take shoes like these to the doorsteps of pro-war candidates--outside a fundraiser, a debate, their campaign headquarters or their homes.
With the election coming up, let's note one more item from CODEPINK:
Give Peace a Vote! What if millions decided to vote their conscience and said 'No More War Candidates'? The Voters Pledge makes visible a powerful political force, the peace vote, a force that politicians cannot continue to ignore. It sends a clear message to the hawkish minority that leads both major parties to end the occupation of Iraq and to end unprovoked attacks on other nations. Join Cher, Yoko Ono, Kate Hudson and Samuel L. Jackson in signing the Voters Pledge and ask at least 10 of your friends to sign as well. Let's put PEACE at the top of the ballot in 2006! Click here to see latest action photos!
Elaine asked that we note United for Peace & Justice's "Make Peace Count on November 7th!:"
October 18th, 2006
An overwhelming majority of people in this country supports peace. Let's make sure this strong antiwar sentiment makes a powerful impact at the ballot box.
We have a critical opportunity over the next few weeks to bring out the opposition to the war in Iraq that exists in every part of the nation. In doing that we could help change the course of this country.
It's up to us during the next three weeks before the midterm Congressional election to make sure that every single candidate -- and each of our friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers, too -- knows that peace isn't just one issue, but that it is EVERY issue.
We can't address the mounting crises around the world, or rebuild the Gulf Coast, or create good jobs, schools and healthcare until we end the war and occupation in Iraq and turn away from the Bush administration's policy of endless war -- and now legalized torture.
Here are several things you can do to turn up the pressure now and turn out the peace vote on November 7th:
Hold a Vote for Peace Vigil: If your group has a vigil planned between Nov. 1 and Nov. 7, how about making it a "Vote for Peace" Vigil? If you don't already have a vigil scheduled, how about organizing one as part of this nationwide effort? Vigils require little planning to pull together: Just pick a time and a highly visible place in your community and spread the word. And then be sure to list it on the UFPJ calendar. For more ideas for your vigil, visit our website. Click here to download a flyer you can adapt and use.
Collect Signatures on the Voters for Peace Pledge: This pledge doesn't end on November 7th. Our work to turn this country toward peace is only beginning -- and will continue well into 2008! Collecting signatures is a first step toward keeping up the pressure for peace, and getting more people involved with your ongoing work.
Bird-Dog Candidates: Show up wherever your local candidates are speaking -- at forums or candidates nights, at fundraising activities, at press events -- and ask them about their stance on the war and what they will do to end it. For tips and questions to ask, click here.
Get Out the Vote Campaign: Call each of your group's members and remind them to vote. This is something even 501(c)(3) organizations can do, as long as you keep your message nonpartisan. Contact other antiwar and progressive groups in your area and team up on reaching out and brainstorm ways to extend your reach even further. If you are not part of an organized group, call your friends, family and neighbors, and urge them to vote and to call their friends, family and neighbors.
Visit the National Priorities Project's Website: Find out what the Iraq war has cost your community. Use this information in your signs, leaflets and conversations, and in any media work you do.
No matter what happens on November 7th, our work is not over. We must keep up the pressure for peace on whoever gets elected. On November 8th, start contacting your newly elected representatives and request meetings with them to make sure that peace is on their agenda and that they know that you will be holding them accountable. We'll be putting together more information about this effort, so please be sure to regularly check the UFPJ website:
Together, we can end this war. Vote for Peace!
Kylie notes this from World Can't Wait:
Emergency Teach-Ins Nationwide Oct. 26-30
Neither the full magnitude nor the staggering implications of the Bush program are well understood, including by those opposed to Bush.
This is something that must be urgently transformed in order to mobilize millions of people to bring this whole program to a halt. more
NYC teach-in 10/30 w/ Les Roberts (an author of study revealing 655,000 Iraqis killed by war), Chris Hedges, & Bill Goodman to be webcast.
Gore Vidal speaking at LA teach-in Nov. 2nd.
Bush signed torture into law with the Military Commissions Act Tuesday, 9:35am. 15 arrested outside the White House in civil disobedience. Wear orange. No torture. Not in our name. more
Message from World Can't Wait on what's next after Oct. 5 protests
The choice before us is mass political opposition and yes, political upheaval to halt all this, or the continuation of the current disastrous direction under this regime. To go along with the latter (the continuation of the current regime and the current course) in an attempt to avoid the former (the necessary political upheaval) is in fact to become complicit with the great crimes already carried out, and still greater crimes being prepared, by this regime.
And Steven notes this from A.N.S.W.E.R.:
The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has initiated a call for locally coordinated protests on Saturday, October 28th, just days before the pitiful charade known as the 2006 mid-term elections. The people will force the issue of the Iraq war onto the U.S. political stage by taking to streets in demonstrations in cities and towns throughout the United States. Tens of thousands of people will take to the streets in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, New York, Miami, Washington D.C. and in other large and small cities and towns throughout the United States. [more]
Click here for information on the San Francisco October 28 action.
Click here for information on the Los Angeles October 28 action.
Click here for information on the Chicago October 28 action.
Click here for information on the New York City October 28 action.
Steven wondered why we didn't have A.N.S.W.E.R. on our permalinks? Because no one's asked for it. Steven has and it's there now. That's all it takes. Steven wrote about how some shy from the organization and I'm aware of that. I'm aware that it was used as a whipping child for some in 2002 and 2003. I don't support that. We've noted the organization here and it's an anti-war organization so we would note it again. But for a link, you just have to ask. And be patient because I hate (___ hate) going into the template. I'd be wrapping up this entry now if I hadn't had to go into the template. If there's an organization that speaks to you and we don't have it linked, if you're a member, you need to let me know what it is.
I have my personal favorites, members will have their personal favorites. The movement needs to speak to as many as possible. If a group's speaking to you, chances are it will speak to someone else. So don't shy from noting an organization we don't have linked. That's getting the word out and everyone doing their part helps stop the war. Above, there are many actions and events. Hopefully, a member finds something that speaks to them and that they can take part in. If that's not the case, find something or start something on your own. Do your own house part, do your own discussion group. Goldie and Marlene have had great success with their house parties. Mike's Iraq Study Group? Jimmy Baker wishes his was as cool as Mike's. Mike, Nina and Tony started that because they weren't happy with the way Iraq was being addressed by the media and they'd read about Goldie and Marlene's house parties. They were surprised with the turnout, with the interest, with people willing to meet at nine o'clock on Friday nights. It's not one group anymore. It's gotten so big that, I believe, it's now four. Ruth was inspired by that to start her own and she guessed that there would be interest from some retirees in her area. There was and there has also been interest from women who are staying home with small children. Her Friday morning group continues to grow.
[For those who missed it: "Ruth may have a report today and she may not. She attempted one yesterday while listening to RadioNation with Laura Flanders (remember Tariq Ali and Christian Parenti are scheduled to be guests on today's show). As she's been substituting for Kat on Wednesdays, she's been teaching herself about posting in Blogger/Blogspot. So she wrote her post in that. She must have gotten into it a little bit before Flanders came on because we started the edition of The Third Estate Sunday Review right when Flanders was doing her opening and we couldn't get in. (It would be four hours before we could.) She was typing up and thought all was well. Then she went to post and lost the whole thing. I know how frustrating that it is. She hopes to do one today but she does have plans (and she does have a life) so I told her it's not a big deal if there's not time." There wasn't time today, she had too much to do. She's writing it tomorrow and it will go up Monday evening so we'll have an evening post tomorrow. And she's planning to include a highlight Greg noted.]
Maybe you can do something similar to what others are doing, maybe you can take that from that and find inspiration for another activity? But you have to take the responsibility because it is your responsibility (mine too). In a democracy, government is answerable to the people. You can't say, "Oh Bully Boy wants the war so there's nothing I can do." One person can make a difference and it's not "one person" anymore. It is a huge movement made up of many people (it even includes Republicans -- those who've left the party and those who are still in it) and it's going to get bigger and it will end the war. But how soon is up to you.
They're just there to try and make the people free,
But the way that they're doing it, it don't seem like that to me.
Just more blood-letting and misery and tears
That this poor country's known for the last twenty years,
And the war drags on.
-- words and lyrics by Mick Softly (available on Donovan's Fairytale)
Last Sunday, the American military fatality count in Iraq stood at 2765. Right now? 2798. That's 85 for the month. This morning, John F. Burns noted that the count was 78. That was the count at Iraq Coalition Count. What happened is that the US military announced more deaths as Sunday ticked down. So from 2765 last Sunday to 2798 in one week. Thirty-three more. The number will continue to climb. It may drop down to one a week, it may get higher. But the number will continue to climb for Bully Boy's illegal war until Americans demand that the troops come home. Obviously, we'll hit the 2800 marker this week. That's a given.
When Ted Koppel broadcast the 700-plus names on his Nightline special (where they just noted the names of those US troops who had died in Iraq), there was shock (and slams from the rightwing). Since then, there's been the 1,000 mark, the 1,500, the 2,000 . . . (The last highlight notes troop fatalities for all in the so-called coalition of the willing.)

Staying on topic of US troops for a moment, Kyle Snyder self-checked of the US military in April 2005 and went to Canada. Now he's planning to return to the United States (in November).
We noted it here this weekend and it would be worth noting even if we hadn't; however, for members who don't have computer access on the weekend and scroll down to catch up, just to be sure everyone knows, we're noting it in this entry. Kyle Snyder is the topic of, language warning, "Editorial: Kyle Snyder's return to the US is part of a movement of resistance" (The Third Estate Sunday Review) and that's also where the illustration is from. (The editorial will be cross-posted here this week.) News of
Kyle Snyder's planned return came Friday evening or night from
Courage to Resist which provides news on all known war resisters.
Iraqis? 655,000 was the Lancet study (we have a highlight on the study later in this entry). And that number climbs each day as well. That's why Iraqis want foreign troops out. What's the magic number there? How many Iraqis have to die before the illegal war becomes so disgusting that Bully Boy's forced to pull the troops out? (Remember, he's stated that the troops will remain as long as he occupies the Oval Office -- revealing an apparent self-destructive desire on his part to fuel the impeachment movement.) On Iraqis wanting foreign troops out, there's another poll that reflects that, this time a State Department poll. Kip notes Katherine Shrader (AP) reports:
Majorities of Iraqi youth in Arab regions of the country believe security would improve and violence decrease if the U.S.-led forces left immediately, according to a State Department poll that provides a window into the grim warnings provided to policymakers.
The survey -- unclassified, but marked "For Official U.S. Government Use Only" -- also finds that Iraqi leaders may face particular difficulty recruiting young Sunni Arabs to join the stumbling security forces. Strong majorities of 15- to 29-year-olds in two Arab Sunni areas -- Mosul and Tikrit-Baquba -- would oppose joining the Iraqi army or police.
The poll has its shortcomings; regional samples are small and the results do not say how many people refused to respond to questions. The private polling firm hired by the State Department also was not able to interview residents of al-Anbar, a Sunni-dominated province and an insurgent stronghold.
No surprise on the findings because the fatalities continue to add up for Iraqis. Reuters reports 50 corpses discovered in Baghdad today and five in Mosul, an attack in Baquba (bomb and "ambush by gunmen") resulted in 13 deaths and an unknown number of kidnappings, an attack on police recruits in Baghdad Saturday resulted in "80 casualities," Haditha saw four shot dead today and five injured, 4 bombs in Baghdad today resulted in 11 killed and 40 injured, "[a] roadside bomb near Mahaweel" took one life, 3 people were shot dead in Baghdad, one person was shot dead in Kut, and one person was shot dead in Mahmudiya and "two Shi'ite tribal leaders" were kidnapped in Baghdad. Polly notes that the BBC has more on the 13 police recruits in Baquba:
The buses, which were carrying 80 volunteers, came under attack from insurgents near the town of Muradiya, in Diyala province.
A roadside bomb killed one recruit and 12 were killed by small-arms fire. About 25 were injured, while others were abducted.

On the war, Tom notes Robert Freeman's "Is Iraq Another Vietnam? It is Already Lost" (Common Dreams) and wondered if we could pair it up with Isaiah's latest? Yeah, and thank Wally for that because before we started playing around with Blogger/Blogspot to figure out how to put images elsewhere than at the top of the post, I wasn't aware it was possible. Now from Freeman:
Wars are lost before they are quit. The Germans lost World War II by the end of 1942 when their Sixth Army was destroyed at Stalingrad. Yet, they would "stay the course" for another two and a half years. The Japanese lost the Pacific war in June 1942 when their aircraft carriers were sunk at the Battle of Midway. They, too, would "stay the course" through two atom bombs before abandoning their aspirations for empire.
The Iraq War was lost even before it was begun. The reason is that it was founded on lies, it was begun in delusion, and it has been prosecuted with incompetence. As a result, it has metastasized vastly beyond the scope for which it was ever conceived, even as the means to fight it have shrunk dramatically. The result is a "perfect storm" that makes it impossible for the U.S. to win. The loss to U.S. power in the world will be incalculable, far greater than was the damage occasioned by the U.S. defeat in Vietnam.
As was Vietnam, the War in Iraq was founded on lies. It was conceived in the waning days of the first Bush administration when the "crazies" as they were called -- Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle -- were talking about taking over the Middle East. By the time Bush II came to power in 2001, these crazies, rechristened as "neocons," were ready with a game plan. All they needed, they said in the Project for a New American Century, was "another Pearl Harbor," something to galvanize the nation into action. Amazingly, that catalytic event materialized on schedule as 9/11.
Within hours of the 9/11 attack in September 2001, Donald Rumsfeld was telling those around him to "roll it all up" into a plan for attacking Iraq. George W. Bush was telling National Security Council counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke to "find the connections to Iraq." But Paul O'Neil, Bush's first Treasury Secretary, has noted that the formal planning for an invasion of Iraq began at Bush's first cabinet meeting, in January 2001.
That is why none of the putative rationales for War ever panned out. None of them were true. Iraq had had nothing to do with 9/11. It had no WMDs. It had no connections with Al Qaeda. None of that mattered. The American public was mercilessly flogged into a frothing frenzy to embrace a nakedly colonialist war to steal Iraq's oil and put a stranglehold on China, India, and Europe, America's new industrial competitors.
Remember mushroom clouds over New York City? Remember yellow cake uranium? Remember the aluminum tubes whose only possible use was for uranium enrichment centrifuges? Remember the tons of chemical and biological weapons that could be launched on 45 minutes’ notice? Lies, all.
The lies ensured that the U.S. would never occupy a moral high ground in the War. As each phony rationale was exposed for the lie it was, another excuse was offered up in its stead. No weapons of mass destruction? Saddam was a bad guy anyway. No Iraqi complicity in 9/11? We're bringing freedom to the Iraqi people. No connection between Saddam and al Qaeda? We're fighting a global Islamic jihad.
The lies of Iraq have left a growing, cancerous legacy of doubt, shame, and revulsion in the American psyche. The symptoms can only be suppressed through the contrivance of ever more desperate lies. Witness, for example, the current lie that Iraq is a battle "for the survival of Western Civilization," juxtaposed with another current lie, that it is a "comma" in the unfolding of the modern Middle East. Which is it? Of course, it is neither but just as surely, it cannot possibly be both. But that is the problem that liars create for themselves when their lies begin to unravel.
The AP notes 60 Minutes' report on "$800 million meant to equip the Iraqi army [that was] . . . stolen from the government by former officials through fraudulent arms deals. And on more corruption, Keesha notes David Swanson's "The Industrial Services Complex Formerly Known as the Military" (Truthout):
"Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers," by far the best film Robert Greenwald has created, is not about the military industrial complex. Rather, it is about the remaining shell of the former military, having embedded within itself not just the media, but numerous other corporate entities. The US military no longer cooks its own food, washes its own laundry, repairs its own vehicles, or guards its own V.I.P.s. We've privatized everything, right down to the shooting - mercenaries make up the second largest contingent in the Coalition of the Killing.
Private corporations cost more and provide less, or in the case of the reconstruction of Iraq, provide virtually nothing. There has been no reconstruction, and various corporations have provided literally nothing - at great expense. Halliburton has sent drivers to risk their lives hauling empty trucks back and forth across Iraq. And when a $75,000 truck breaks down, for lack of a spare tire or an oil filter, they blow the truck up or abandon it.
The absence of a reconstruction in Iraq is not the topic of "Iraq for Sale." Neither is the injustice of the war. "Iraq for Sale" is a film about how the war is being conducted, not whether there was any justification for beginning or continuing it at all. But the depiction of how the war is being conducted reveals in itself massive crime.
The corruption that kills. Pru and Kevin both highlighted Simon Assaf's "655,000 reasons to get out of Iraq now" (The Socialist Worker):
The death toll of the war on Iraq is much higher than even the most gloomy estimates. That is the conclusion of the most extensive study made of the country to date.
A survey published by the Lancet medical journal has discovered that over 650,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the occupation. The findings were dismissed by George Bush, who poured scorn on the validity of the research.
Richard Horton, the editor of the Lancet, said "This shows how superficial Bush's thinking is on this issue."
The study, The Human Cost of the War in Iraq, follows a smaller survey conducted in 2004 that estimated the numbers of deaths at over 100,000. It uses a method that is widely accepted by US government agencies, including the CIA.
In the latest study, conducted between May and July this year, US public health researchers from John Hopkins University randomly selected more than 1,800 households across 18 of Iraq's provinces.
Iraqi doctors then interviewed families in the sample clusters to determine how many of their relatives have died since 2003. Each fatality was then confirmed with a death certificate.
The results were then used to calculate the number of "excess deaths" across the country compared to 2002.
The study estimates that 654,965 more Iraqis have died since the invasion in 2003 than would otherwise be expected. The majority of deaths, 601,027, were due to violence. A further 53,938 were the result of non-violent causes, indicating a collapse in healthcare.
The survey shows the chaos created in Iraq by the US and British invasion and occupation in 2003.
The shocking rise in killings since 2004 "reflects growing sectarian violence, a steep rise in deaths by gunshots, and very high mortality among young men".
Those who were killed are predominantly males aged between 15 and 44. The vast majority were killed by gunfire or car bombs, while 13 percent died in coalition airstrikes.
The research shows that around one quarter were killed by coalition troops. The killers of more than half the victims are unknown.
Another shocking finding is that girls under the age of 15 make up the largest single age group of female deaths.
"In some places air strikes caused a large proportion of deaths. Increasing deaths from car bombs developed later," the study found. The heaviest casualties are in western and northern Iraq - in Baghdad and other cities.
Other organisations put the number of dead much lower. The Iraq Body Count and the US department of defence only note a death if it has been reported by the media. They put the number of civilians killed at 48,783.
Dr Gilbert Burnham of John Hopkins University is one of the authors of the Lancet report.
He said, "These organisations are confined to areas that have ready access to the media, and where mortuaries are easily visited.
"Our study shows these violent events are happening around the country. It is not just isolated in a few locations."
According to the Lancet report, on average only 20 percent of those killed end up in morgues - often the victims of sectarian hit squads. The majority of Iraqis are killed and buried away from the gaze of the media.
"If you watch the news it is not a surprise that the numbers have increased steadily," he added.
All the studies confirm that Iraq is becoming more violent and dangerous. Iraqi human rights groups have long warned that the real toll is much higher than the official figures.
In August 2005 one Iraqi human rights network published a report that included an investigation into the US siege of Fallujah between April-November 2004.
The report noted that up to 500 people are still missing after the siege of the city.
One mass grave is believed to hold up to 400 people. The numbers cannot be confirmed as US authorities have blocked any investigation.
Horton believes the study of Iraqi deaths shows that, "Tony Blair's foreign policy has led us into a quagmire of bloodthirsty chaos".
A podcast by Richard Horton and Gilbert Burnham is available at lancet/2006/9544_14october.mp3
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And Pru and James in Brighton both note "Coalition troops are also paying the price for George Bush's war" (Great Britain's Socialist Worker):
The occupation in Iraq hit another bloody landmark earlier this week with the number of dead coalition troops rising to 3,000. This includes 119 British soldiers.
By the time Socialist Worker hits the streets Afghanistan will have probably passed a milestone with the death of the 500th coalition soldier since the occupation began in 2001.
The increasing bloody toll of the "war on terror" hides another grim statistic - one in five US soldiers returning from the battlefields is disabled.
George Bush's administration has made no provision for their long term care.
According to documents obtained by George Washington University, over 150,000 out of around 560,000 US soldiers have applied for disability benefits since they were discharged from the military.
They are being paid through an emergency budget.
At current estimates, over 400,000 soldiers will have their lives shattered by the war.
Around 10 percent will return completely paralysed, 30 percent will be partially disabled - missing one or more limbs - or other physical injuries.
The rest will have mental health problems like post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and substance abuse.
The report compiled by the US department of veterans affairs warns that not enough money has been allocated by the US government to deal with the projected numbers of disabled veterans.
The US government attempted to bury the report.
According to The Human Cost of the War in Iraq report, "Soldiers who would have never survived their injuries in the past are now living, in some cases, as triple amputees with brain damage.
"Many injuries include second and third degree burns, broken bones and amputations, shrapnel wounds, brain injuries, paralysis, and blindness."
To date 44,779 US soldiers have been wounded in Iraq, and up to 1,000 in Afghanistan.
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