Isaiah's latest The World Today Just Nuts "I Am The War Hawk You Have Been Waiting For" featuring Barack and some of the liars who pimped him. Barack declares, "I am the War Hawk you have been waiting for." Alice Walker gushes, "So true! Yea!" Pockmarks On His Soul Tom Hayden declares, "Peace, like clear skin, is overrated." Phyllis Bennis pants, "When I think of all the Afghan babies who will now die, I get wet." "Me too, Phyllis," insists John Nichols. While Amy Goodman explains, "I'm so happy, I'll make it my lead story tomorrow. If I don't get carded for cigarettes before then." Isaiah archives his comics at The World Today Just Nuts.
the world today just nuts
barack obama
i am the war hawk you have been waiting for
alice walker
tom hayden
phyllis bennis
john nichols
amy goodman
the common ills