Barack Obama's spying scandal continues. Declan McCullagh (CNET) reported Saturday:
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, disclosed on Thursday that during a secret briefing to members of Congress, he was told that the contents of a phone call could be accessed "simply based on an analyst deciding that."
If the NSA wants "to listen to the phone," an analyst's decision is sufficient, without any other legal authorization required, Nadler said he learned. "I was rather startled," said Nadler, an attorney and congressman who serves on the House Judiciary committee.
Not only does this disclosure shed more light on how the NSA's formidable eavesdropping apparatus works domestically, it also suggests the Justice Department has secretly interpreted federal surveillance law to permit thousands of low-ranking analysts to eavesdrop on phone calls.
As we noted at Third yesterday, this makes NPR 'expert' Carrie Cordero the "Stupid Punk Ass Clown of the Week." (If you're late to the party, see "NPR tries to sway public opinion on spying.") If NPR was really concerned about news, they would be a little more careful about not inviting raving lunatics onto the airwaves to pose as 'experts.' Carrie Cordero didn't know a damn thing she was talking about but, wouldn't you know it, just by coincidence, of course, she happened to repeat and advance US government talking points. Now, she's exposed as an idiot or maybe a cheap whore. How proud all must be of her.
Tom Ackerman (Al Jazeera -- link is video) reports today on Denis McDonough's statements yesterday. Why report on the White House Chief of Staff? Because McDonough is a sick looking individual. May be the nicest person in the world but, to Middle East audiences (as well as around the world), he looks like a deviant who preys on children. He's shifty-eyed and makes Richard Nixon look photogenic. Way to go, White House, yet again the master communicators demonstrate that they don't know a damn thing. ("Let's reassure the American people by sending out a trusted face! Who do we have here that looks like John Wayne Gacy? McDonough, you're up!") Here for that Face The Nation video. Here's the argument McDonough presents for the crooks he works for:
* Congress has authorized these programs now in very robust debates.
* The president is saying I want every member of congress on whose authority we are running this program, to understand it, to be briefed about it, and to be comfortable with it, that's why we've done things like we did in 2009 and 2011 by presenting a classified white paper, inviting every member of congress -- 535 members of them -- to see that piece of paper, to study it and to come to us with questions.
Those are his direct quotes from the CBS interview.
A) Congress okayed it! Nothing to see here! B) Woops, we haven't fully briefed Congress! But -- after being caught -- we will now!
Not good enough. This program needs to be debated by the American people. And you're a black eye to democracy if you think otherwise. The editorial board of the Guardian noted last night:
In unmasking himself as the leaker of the files showing the uses and abuses of western intelligence, Edward Snowden called for a wider public debate. He suggested that the public was sleepwalking into a surveillance society through a lack of knowledge about what was being done in their name. President Obama, reacting in a measured way to the fact of the leak, also welcomed the opportunity to have such a debate.
A meaningful debate cannot be held without information. Snowden's case is that almost no one – not ordinary citizens, not the press, not the courts, not even congress – is in a position to discuss the reasonable balance between security, privacy and openness because they are denied the full and true facts. From Snowden's vantage point – reading a great deal of source material – he believes the US National Security Agency "routinely" lies to congress.
And by the way, like idiot Carrie, Denis comments on what the program can do?
What a load of crap.
This has to stop. If I'm having heart surgery, you better believe I want heart surgery expert. Love pediatricians, but don't bring me a pediatrician to explain my heart surgery to me or to conduct it. Don't bring me an administrator from the hospital to explain the surgery to me. The only 'expert' is the one who does it. Everyone else is just mouthing words. Denis was an administration for a brief time at NSA, he was not an analyst, he didn't do a damn bit of real work.
As we saw with Susan Rice, cheap whores will say anything to the public.
Susan Rice didn't know a damn thing about Benghazi.
Which was she lied.
Yeah, when you go out to be an expert on something you're not -- forget the details of what you said, just the fact that you're presenting to the American people as an 'expert' on something you're not makes you a cheap and damn liar. And that is Susan Rice.
What everyone of the five programs she went on should have asked her: Were you there? (No.) Who did you speak to that was there? (No one.) What are your basing your allegations on? (A list of talking points that were handed to me.) Susan Rice lied to the American people and didn't think twice.
Like many a cheap whore, she told herself she was serving a president.
Guess what, stupid idiot, you're not there to serve a president. Those losers come and go. They can die in office and makes little difference, the nation continues. None of them matter beyond their terms of office due to the scandals and corruption that they've all got their fingers in. You serve the American people. You're not there to dance for the president and deceive the American people. You are there to serve the Republic which means serving the people, not lying to them, not tricking them, not deceiving them.
That's also true of Denis who has never run an NSA intercept.
So anything he says is what he was told to say -- not what he knows.
He's not an expert.
He's a whore. All administrations have them.
Equally true, don't really think the American people give their blind trust to those who worked for the Center for American Progress -- a shill organization for the Democratic Party.
In fact, Denis needs to close his mouth and sit his tired ass down. It's past time for The Little Prince to get off his candy ass and explain to the American people what's going on.
It's past time for The Little Prince who ran for re-election to start answering to the American people.
They don't work for Barack, they pay his salary, he works for them. He is answerable to them.
He needs to start acting like he recognizes that fact. First step might be having a little talk with members of the First Family who seem to think they're royalty and don't have to put up with the American people.
The most powerful person in the world is not Barack. It is the American people. His boss. He better start answering questions and he better start doing it soon.
It has been one lie after another from his trashy administration and one scandal after another. What appears to be happening is that after he's done posing and lecturing, Barack has no energy for governing.
It's past time The Little Prince was grounded. No more trips, no more vacations until he sits his ass down and does some of the work he's twice been voted to do. That's address the economy, that's get his administration in order.
Spying on the American people will not be 'addressed' by briefing Congress. Congress has failed to use oversight. Congress -- like Prince Candy Ass -- is answerable to the American people. It is past time that the government stopped stonewalling and started telling the American people exactly how badly they've damaged the Constitution.
AP reports that China today, via Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying, is demanding that Barack provide answers about the National Security Agency's collection of telephone data and internet activity. Yes, countries are beginning to note that Barack's spying program includes spying on them. Here for Turkey and Russia. Barack has disgraced the country on an international scale. It is time for a real press conference where he is forced to address these issues.
America needs truth, not more lies. Some will whine that this is going up after this week's Law and Disorder Radio, an hour long program that airs Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. EST on WBAI has already started.
Boo-f**king-hoo. The attorneys Heidi Boghosian, Michael S. Smith and Michael Ratner (Center for Constitutional Rights) will be heard all around the country all week. More importantly, I am tired of damn liars.
Rick Rowley and his wife Jacquie Soohen are cheap and constant liars.
They think it's cute to lie to the American people, to trick them. Click here for some of Soohen's big lies about Jena -- she lied about everything and did so over and over. That a cheap liar like that is involved with Jeremey Scahill's new project says all we need to know about Scahill and his project. You can't lie over and over and expect to be believed.
Rick and Jacquie thought it was okay to lie, they justified it as they were helping 'race issues.' No, they were lying through their teeth, cementing hatred with their lies. People like that don't belong on programs, they need to be shunned. (And they produced a film on Jena that included the lies that Jacquie was 'reporting' in real time.)
All the more so when these White reporters want to ignore the parent of one of the kids they claim to want to help (Caseptla Bailey, the mother of Robert Bailey). She told her story. She did so honestly and upfront. But Rick and Jacquie had no respect for this African-American woman and why let facts interfere with their little tale?
People like that are trash. You do not bring them on to your program unless you too are trash.
If Heidi and the Michaels are now saying that the way to report is to ignore African-Americans who tell their stories, then they need to be upfront with the Law and Disorder audience.
That would explain a lot though. Like why so many of their guests are White. How do they do that? How do they broadcast from NYC and end up with a show that sounds like it came from the over 95% Anglo White Iowa?
Racism doesn't end until you question those who think White-entitlement justifies their lying about what happened to African-American children and their ignoring the statements by African-Americans who are part of the story.
It's time for the left to start doing some serious purges of these liars who repeatedly lie and repeatedly distort and will argue that it's for 'the cause.' If that's what the Center for Constitutional Rights wants to be associated with, please make it clear because i can tell you right now, that two-thirds of the donors will be walking.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Predator of the United States" went up Sunday morning and that's it at the top of this entry.
The e-mail address for this site is common_ills@yahoo.com.
iraq the guardian cnet declan mccullagh al jazeera tom ackernman cbs news face the nation
law and disorder radio
michael s. smith
heidi boghosian
michael ratner
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