Sunday, August 24, 2014


Haider al-Abadi is the prime minister-designate, currently in the 30 day period to form a government in order to move from prime minister-designate to prime minister.

At his Facebook page, he posted the following:
حدد رئيس الوزراء المكلف الدكتور حيدر العبادي في رسالة وجهها للكتل السياسية الشروط الواجب توفرها في مرشحيهم لشغل المناصب الوزارية في الحكومة المقبلة "ممن تتوفر فيهم عدد من الشروط لنتمكن من وضع الشخص المناسب في المكان المناسب".
واضاف الدكتور العبادي ان الشروط التي يجب ان تتوفر في المرشح تتمثل في ان يكون كفوءا ومهنيا ويمتلك خبرة ادارية ومؤهلات قيادية وان يكون حسن السيرة والسمعة والسلوك وان لا تكون عليه مؤشرات فساد ولا قيد جنائي.
واضاف كما يجب ان لا يكون مشمولا باحكام قانون المساءلة والعدالة وان يكون حائزا على شهادة جامعية في الاقل

He's explaining that for ministers in his Cabinet, he's selecting people who are right for their positions, that they must be ethical and professional with experience in management and leadership qualities.  He also is choosing based upon reputation.

If he's successful, it will be a new kind of Cabinet for Iraq.

Nouri never worried about qualifications for his friends or about their reputations.

Which is how you get a Cabinet that, only months ago, was trying to lower the age of marriage for girls down to eight-years-old.  Not for boys, of course.  But for girls.  Because that's the kind of sick pedophile Nouri al-Maliki and the kind of sickos he surrounded himself with.

Nouri also repeatedly created problems leading to ministers in his Cabinet repeatedly walking out.

The most recent walkout was last month when he called the Kurds terrorists and they responded by walking out on the Cabinet.  It was just the latest throwdown in Nouri's long war with the Kurds.

By way of contrast, Haider al-Abadi  Tweeted the following today.
It's a statement of his intent to resolve the outstanding disputes between the Baghdad-based central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Maybe he'll be the same as Nouri, maybe he'll be different.  At this point, the words speak to an effort and a purpose -- whether the words are genuine or not is something time will determine.

But by simply not screaming "terrorist" at the Kurds and Sunnis who might be in his Cabinet, he's already several steps ahead of Nouri.

Meanwhile the peace movement in the US remains several steps behind.

Wait.  No, it's not even on the walking path.

David Francis (Fiscal Times) pens an article headlined "We're One Step Closer To Boots On The Ground In Iraq" while the editorial board of the Denver Post offers:

The president said in an address on Iraq last week that he was cautious about "mission creep" and the best way to guard against it would be to have a credible government in Iraq. He indicated the ruling Shiite majority government would do well to be more inclusive, conducting itself in ways acceptable to Sunnis and other Iraqi minorities.
We think the U.S. goal should be more focused on its original purpose: saving the minorities from persecution by the terror group. It shouldn't be about aiding the Kurds and Baghdad in their efforts to re-conquer territory they lost to the Islamic State. Though, to be fair, it isn't always easy to separate the two.

 Obama may insist he won't allow mission creep, but in a way he already has, with the use of air power to help retake the Mosul Dam, which the president spoke of last week.

After weeks of silence, United for Peace and Justice finally declared Friday "No Time For Silence."

Will that be their final statement or will they have further to add?

For those who think, "You could be a little nicer now that they finally weighed in on Iraq," the piece is about Iraq, Gaza and Ferguson.

Iraq alone is not enough apparently.

And where is everyone else?

Golfing like Barack?

I have no idea.

I just know the US government is bombing Iraq, the last weeks have seen more US troops sent into Iraq, the song being sung on the Sunday chat and chews this morning was "More War" and the peace movement is largely and strangely silent.

I'm traveling in some vehicle
I'm sitting in some cafe
A defector from the petty wars
That shell shock love away
-- "Hejira," written by Joni Mitchell, first appears on her album of the same name

 The number of US service members the Dept of Defense states died in the Iraq War is [PDF format warning] 4491.

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