Senator Bernie Sanders is seeking the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. This is where he stands on the issues:
Bernie Sanders
On the Issues
The American people must make a fundamental decision. Do we continue the 40-year decline of our middle class and the growing gap between the very rich and everyone else, or do we fight for a progressive economic agenda that creates jobs, raises wages, protects the environment and provides health care for all? Are we prepared to take on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class, or do we continue to slide into economic and political oligarchy? These are the most important questions of our time, and how we answer them will determine the future of our country.Income and Wealth Inequality
It's Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free
Getting Big Money Out of Politics and Restoring Democracy
Creating Decent Paying Jobs
A Living Wage
Combating Climate Change to Save the Planet
A Fair and Humane Immigration Policy
Racial Justice
Fighting for Women's Rights
Working to Create an AIDS and HIV-Free Generation
Fighting for LGBT Equality
Empowering Tribal Nations
Caring for Our Veterans
Medicare For All
Strengthen and Expand Social Security
Fighting to Lower Prescription Drug Prices
Fighting for Disability Rights
Senator Bernie Sanders' Plan for Puerto Rico
Supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Fighting for the Rights of Native Hawaiians
Improving the Rural Economy
Fighting for Nurses
Reforming Wall Street
Real Family Values
War and Peace
War Should Be the Last Option: Why I Support the Iran Deal
Making the Wealthy, Wall Street, and Large Corporations Pay their Fair Share
How Bernie pays for his proposals
bernie sanders