- There are no words. She was THE BEST! We always said that we changed each other's lives for the better. I...
- In memory of Mary Tyler Moore, the girl "who could turn the world on with her smile."
- We will miss you #MaryTylerMoore! #RIPMary
- #MaryTylerMoore show theme song just makes me happy Great woman who will be missed& yet live forever #womensrightsarehumanrights #11thHour
- God speed #MaryTylerMoore. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. You have definitely earned your wings
- SHE COULD TURN THE WORLD ON WITH HER SMILE. R.I.P. #MaryTylerMoore (1936-2017)
- Speechless about Mary Tyler Moore. I've been watching her since I was very little. Huge inspiration. RIP
- The world lost another icon today. RIP Mary Tyler Moore, you were truly an inspiration!
- Rest in peace #MaryTylerMoore! You truly were ahead of your time.
- There's a shot in the open where she's washing her car in a football shirt. I fixated on it. worshipped her. And that show. #MARYTYLERMOORE
Not only was Mary Tyler Moore a beloved Icon, she was an #AnimalRights activist. Working with @BroadwayBarks
- Thank you for all you did for animals, Mary Tyler Moore. You will be sincerely missed. http://peta.vg/marytm
- @MaryTylerMoore7 Mary Tyler Moore turned the world on with her smile. She had iconic show in T.V. history. Heaven's got an angel. RIP.
- RIP Mary Tyler Moore
- My reaction to anyone who didn't love Mary Tyler Moore. #LoveIsAllAround
Hollywood has truly lost an icon. Saddened to hear of the passing of #MaryTylerMoore.