Muqtada Al-Sadr has called for "million man march" on Friday in Tahrir Square central #Baghdad, Sadr will attend to give "important" speech.
What will the Shi'ite cleric and movement leader say?
Maybe he'll talk about Nouri al-Maliki?
What an interesting year 2017 has already turned out to be for former prime minister and forever thug Nouri.
In January, THE BAGHDAD POST reported:
Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has strongly attacked the American administration under outgoing President Barack Obama, accusing it of being the prime responsible for spreading terrorism in Iraq.
The remarks came in response to US Secretary of State John Kerry's accusations to former Iraqi prime minister that he has helped in expansion of the terrorist group of Daesh or ISIS in Iraq.
Maliki said terrorism in Iraq is the product of Obama's administration that will end on January 20. He accused Obama administration of being the cause behind bloodshed in Iraq, Syria and Yemen and termed as "unacceptable" the remarks of Kerry in this regard.
And so much has happened since as Nouri angles to return to power as prime minister.
Just this week, for example, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani was said to have called Nouri "disgusting corrupt." But surely the most interesting report has to be this:
Iraqi former PM Nouri al-Maliki's wealth is estimated at $40 billion, informed sources told The Baghdad Post on Thursday. The sources revealed the 67-year-old has made his wealth through manipulating the Iraqi Central Bank's accounts as well as his suspicious projects inside and outside Iraq.
Way to go, Nouri!
Crime has paid off for you. Stealing from the Iraqi people has made you rich.
You weren't rich when you dragged your cowardly ass back into Iraq after the US-led war began in 2003.
But once installed as prime minister of an oil rich country, you certainly pocketed lots of money.
He couldn't provide the Iraqi people with what they needed but, then, if he had, he wouldn't have been able to stuff his pockets with so much money.
It's day 152 of The Mosul Slog.
In June 2014, while Nouri was prime minister of Iraq, Mosul was seized by the Islamic State.
Nouri did nothing.
He was probably too busy pocketing public money, right?
Moving on . . .
G.A. Sistani's Rep.: "Due to increase of internally displaced people & shortage of resources, we call on all respected #Iraqi citizens...(2)
Ayatollah Sistani's Rep.: " contribute all the can to reduce the suffering. This is the best way to be closse to God." (3)
#pt. Grand Ayatollah Sistani's Rep.: "It is also a means to unite the people in times of crisis." (4)
G.Ayat. Sistani's Rep.: "Giving aid to the internally displaced people is similar, in God's regard, to support of fighters agnst terror."(5)
G. Ayatollah Sistani's Rep.: "Not to mention that these IDPs are our brothers & sisters, our fellow citizens." (6)
In response, 1000 large trucks loaded with food & supplies went from south¢ral #Iraq cities to IDP locations. (7)
This is in addition to precious lives given to liberate these cities. Just a reminder to those crying "Shia sectarianism" all time. (8)
As always, no need to thank me for translation. I did on your behalf. Just forgive a couple of typos. Writing w/out my glasses.

Human Rights Watch issued an alert an hour ago which opens:
The Iraqi parliament should set penalties for the crime of domestic violence, remove provisions that prioritize reconciliation over justice, and improve victim protections in a domestic violence bill, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter and memorandum to the speaker of parliament.
Parliament is completing its review of the draft Anti-Domestic Violence Law, which was introduced in 2015. Parliament should make key amendments and then urgently approve the bill.
“A strong domestic violence law could help save Iraqi women’s lives,” said Rothna Begum, Middle East women’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The Iraqi parliament should make sure the final bill includes essential provisions to prevent domestic violence, protect survivors, and prosecute the abusers.”
Domestic violence is a global phenomenon and remains a serious problem in Iraq. The Iraq Family Health Survey (IFHS) 2006/7 found that one in five Iraqi women are subject to physical domestic violence. A 2012 Ministry of Planning study found that at least 36 percent of married women reported experiencing some form of psychological abuse from their husbands, 23 percent reported verbal abuse, 6 percent reported physical violence, and 9 percent reported sexual violence. While more recent national studies are not available, women’s rights organizations continue to report a high rate of domestic violence.
The strengths of the draft bill include provisions for services for domestic violence survivors, protection orders (restraining orders) and penalties for their breach, and the establishment of a cross-ministerial committee to combat domestic violence. However, the memorandum identifies several gaps and approaches in the bill that would undermine its effectiveness.
The draft law calls for the parties to be referred to family reconciliation committees and for prosecutions of abusers to be dropped if reconciliation is reached. But women in Iraq are often under tremendous social and economic pressure to prioritize the family unit over their own protection from violence. United Nations guidance provides that mediation should be prohibited in all cases of violence against women and at all stages of legal proceedings because mediation removes cases from judicial scrutiny. Promoting such reconciliation incorrectly presumes that both parties have equal bargaining power, reflects an assumption that both parties may be equally at fault for violence, and reduces accountability for the offender.
“By promoting family reconciliation as an alternative to justice, the draft law undermines protection for domestic violence survivors,” Begum said. “The government should send a message that beating up your wife won’t be treated leniently through mediation sessions, but instead be regarded as a crime.”
While the draft law defines domestic violence as a crime, it fails to set penalties. It also does not repeal provisions in the Iraqi Penal Code that condone domestic violence. These include provisions that husbands have a right to punish their wives and that parents can discipline their children. Those responsible for “honor” violence or killings can benefit from reduced sentences as the Penal Code provides for mitigated sentences for violent acts including murder for so-called “honourable motives” or if a man catches his wife or female relative in the act of adultery or sex outside of marriage.
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