Journalist Margaret Kimberley Tweets:
- Pinned TweetA Cashless Society? Not Before Tubman’s $20 Arrives Photo of Sojourner Truth in Harriet Tubman article. @calmesnyt
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedMay was Home Secretary who lifted Control Orders on Libyan Al Qaeda and gave them their passports back to ply their trade.There and here.
- Montenegro deeply divided on NATO membership. Ironic that it's president was pushed around by Trump at #NATOmeeting #NATO
- NATO is an imperialist project. It needs to disappear. I don't care if Trump insults them. #NATOmeeting #NATO
- Margaret Kimberley Retweetedin Clinton-speak she's just saying she's not running for anything *right now* which is obvious; intent is to mislead.
- "I'm not running again." So why won't Hillary Clinton shut up and go away? She protests too much. She would run again in a heartbeat.
- … This thread. Samantha Power called out for hypocrisy on Saudi Arabia. Coordinated effort to erase Obama policy.
- Great analysis from @glenfordbar and@tmon11. Listen up! … via @blkagendareport
- My every thought. Every word written. Every interview. All in one place.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted When presidential #warmongers get voted, #jihadist proxies get promoted. Trump embraces Hillary's #Syria doctrine
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted TIME can bite MAD's style b/c the American #Empire
is a political spectacle of distraction. The joke is on the 99%.
When it comes to #Deportation stats:
#Obama was like MJ on the Bulls squad
#Trump is like MJ, too, but on the Barons