Episode 52: Taxes, Trade, DNC Silliness & A Progressive Winner…Happy Anniversary!
Episode 52: We've got great stuff on tap for our one-year anniversary episode. Jonathan starts off by asking members of the Democratic National Committee "What are you thinking?" with a bizarre loyalty resolution aimed at Bernie Sanders. Then, he focuses our attention on the right answer to economic growth—raising wages, not cutting taxes. From there, Jonathan checks in with trade warrior Lori Wallach for a look at the inside fight—the wild lies and the truth—over a possible new framework for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Newly elected progressive New York Assemblyperson Christine Pellegrino talks about her amazing win in a Republican Trump-supporting district and what it's like to be in public office—and she gives tips for progressives looking to run. And we close, as usual, with our Robber Baron of the week: Chinese billionaire Cao Dewang.