Saturday, February 02, 2019

Some Tweets from Sarah Abdallah

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    Italy refuses to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s Interim President, saying it opposes interference in a sovereign country’s affairs and warns that a catastrophic, Libya-style regime change mistake must be avoided.
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    We must stand against powerful politicians from both parties who sit in ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage & new places for people to die. Wasting trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives, undermining our economy and security, and destroying our middle class.
  • Meanwhile in France today: Thousands of marched for the 12th weekend in a row, only to face more tear gas & water canons. Don’t expect any outrage from the EU & so-called “human rights champions” though. .
  • Not a joke. If you take a firm stance against regime change wars, you must be Russian propaganda. The corporate media’s smear machine is in full effect already for the 2020 election and the first target is .
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    The war-pigs in the mainstream-media are so terrified of 's ideas of ending illegal interventionist wars and stopping the arming terrorists, that they've already begun their campaign to smear and character-assassinate her.
  • Mainstream media wants you to listen to the people of Venezuela... Except when they massively come out against outside intervention and aggression. Then mainstream media pretends they don’t exist.
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    Congratulations currently the only independent country in the Populist you say? If this is Populism give me more!
  • Just like in Syria, mainstream media refuses to cover massive rallies against foreign intervention in Venezuela because it doesn’t advance its pro-war, regime change agenda.
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    While his police are blinding and maiming protestors with rubber bullets, is busily raving about , human rights and democracy in . Will the vote on Macron’s legitimacy next?
  • Outrageous. Putin’s police are allowed to continue shooting unarmed protesters’ eyes out with golf-ball-size rubber bullets. Oh, wait... That’s actually Macron in France. Nothing to see here, move along.
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    Our troops are illegally occupying Syria: Trump is trying to bring them home, but the Deep State is fighting him left right and center, and just voted against his efforts to end America's involvement. Here's to endless war.
  • If unarmed activists were hit in the eyes with rubber bullets or mutilated during anti-government protests in Russia or Venezuela, the international outcry would be endless. But when it happens to protesters in France, no one bats an eyelash.
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    “Coercion, whether military or economic, must never be used to seek a change in government in a sovereign state. The use of sanctions by outside powers to overthrow an elected government is in violation of all norms of international law,” warns UN expert.
  • Where was the Senate when Obama invaded Syria without congressional approval, armed and empowered Al-Qaeda jihadists in an attempt to topple a secular leader? Or does it only act to oppose the attempt to end wars and bring U.S. troops back home from lands they illegally occupy?
  • In what should be a global story, Israel admits for the first time that it armed jihadist “rebels” in Syria — something we’ve been saying for years but mainstream media called us conspiracy theorists.
  • Macron, who’s been brutally cracking down on the for weeks, now wants to severely limit the right of the French people to protest. Yet this guy thinks he has the moral superiority to talk about “human rights” and “democracy” in Venezuela?
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    US support for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen must end. Over 85k children have died, tens of millions w/o food & water, creating worst humanitarian crisis in a generation — supported by the US and never authorized by Congress. This must end now.
  • In other words... The US’s real motive for intervention in Venezuela is all about the country’s oil and not actually “liberating the Venezuelan people from tyranny and oppression” — just like Iraq, Libya and Syria before it? Wow. What a surprise. 🙄
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    It is scandalous that after the catastrophes visited on Iraq, Libya, Syria et al. opponents of regime change wars, who advocate diplomacy and respect for int'l law, are depicted as extreme and marginal by the MSM, while those who advocate war and regime change are moderates.
  • Ron Paul warns against the dangerous consequences of intervention in Venezuela. Have we already forgotten the regime change wars that destroyed entire countries and caused the suffering, death and displacement of millions in Iraq, Libya, Syria and beyond?