- Pinned TweetHold this space: My new book "Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers," on patriarchy, monsters, and the horror of being female, is on its way. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/610854/dead-blondes-and-bad-mothers-by-sady-doyle/9781612197920/ …
- To resist the structural dehumanization of women, we have to be willing to get just as angry at benevolent or passive or structural sexism as we do at overt misogynist violence. Sexism is the cage, rapists are just the guards standing outside it. That’s all.
- Biden’s cuddling habit isn’t sexual as most people define the term. It’s paternalistic. He’s treating women like children, or like pets. He’s reinforcing women’s inhumanity, though, and that’s what counts. That’s just as serious no matter what hashtag you put on it.
- The reason people resist this is that it implicates them. It says that telling a sexist joke or condescending to female colleagues helps build the system that makes rape happen. Which is true. And important. And something we really don’t like thinking about.
- You don’t have to burn crosses on lawns to be racist, you don’t have to beat queer people up to be a homophobe, you don’t have to rape people to be sexist. This should be simple but people resist it.
- If our question to determine whether a guy is problematic is “does this count as #MeToo
?” we end up discounting forms of sexism that don’t look violent but are still life-ruining. Our question should be “does this reinforce second-class or less-than-human status for women?”
- But violence exists on a spectrum - from rape to verbal/emotional abuse & harassment to workplace discrimination to sexist stereotyping to just not respecting women or taking them seriously, with a thousand other things in between - and that spectrum is what we call “sexism.”
- Rape and sexual assault are one manifestation of sexism. A very important manifestation, because they are the blunt-force tool used to keep women in line (along with domestic violence) and rape culture is how we numb young men into seeing women as less than human.
- LRT: For the past two years, I’ve noticed that stories we used to call “feminist” are increasingly lumped together under the rubric of “#MeToo
stories,” and I think that is stunting our understanding in some really important ways.
- Sady Doyle RetweetedRape culture is a spectrum. On the one side is everyday sexism and at the other end is assault and there's a whole lot in between. What connects it all is that women aren't treated like PEOPLE. When we objectify women, we treat them like objects and not people.
- Sady Doyle RetweetedEveryone who knows what they are talking about isn't conflating #MeToo
with Biden. The only people doing this are people who don't understand that our cultural issues around gender and treatment of women is a SPECTRUM.
- Sady Doyle Retweeted
- Just as I’m glad there are multiple women running this year, I’m glad there are multiple white male press darlings, so people can see that I deeply object to all of them, not just their personal favorite one
- I read “Ulysses” in high school because it was at the top of a list of Good Novels. The list wasn’t wrong! But calling it a FAVORITE is still a little like saying your favorite author is Shakespeare. The choice isn’t bad, just generic in a way that makes you seem kinda boring.
- New piece! I talk about Biden’s treating women like kittens he gets to pet, the hunger for a white male front runner, and my revolutionary take on Biden-Bernie, which is: Fuck ‘em both.
- Sady Doyle Retweeted
- If this helps enhance my credibility at all, I came to this realization while trying to verify his identity in a British fantasy series where he looks like this:
- Look, I've come to a point in my life where I think Mackenzie Crook is kind of hot, and like it or not, I'm just going to have to deal with that
- Sady Doyle RetweetedFor far too long, colleges and universities have gotten away with turning a blind eye to the epidemic of campus sexual assault. We owe it to survivors to change the system and hold institutions accountable for protecting students.
- Sady Doyle Retweeted
- Realizing that my ability to cover a Biden/Sanders primary is really going to come down to how often editors will permit me to reference the Spider-Man-vs-Spider-Man meme
- The results don't count how many people searched. They count how many articles on the person were published within the specified time frame. They literally measure the amount of press.
- There are candidates with significant support and fundraising who get ignored by the press. Bernie Sanders ain't one of them.
- Google News search results for "Bernie Sanders" from 1/1/19 to 4/1/19: 1,920,000 For "Elizabeth Warren," same time frame: 1,070,000 For "Kamala Harris:" 239,000 For "Kirsten Gilibrand:" 28,300