There is a literal genocide going on right now in #Yemen where a child dies every 12 minutes as a result of the Saudi Arabia-US-UK-led war. But our mainstream media is too busy concocting lies about #Venezuela to give one iota of a damn.
Let that sink in.
Only in the eyes of Obama’s co-conspirator Joe Biden, do spying on 193 countries; expanding Bush’s 2 wars to 8; increasing drone strikes 10 times over; destroying Libya, Syria and Yemen; and creating the worst refugee crisis since WW2...
... somehow not qualify as scandals.
That awkward moment when the former CIA director who wants to sell you regime change wars against #Venezuela and #Iran on “humanitarian” grounds, admits to being a liar, a cheater and a thief.
Wow. Look at all the tear gas deployed against the people of #Venezuela.
Oh no wait. This is actually Macron’s police attacking the #YellowVests in #France today for the 24th weekend in a row.
Go back to whatever you were doing y’all #GiletsJaunes
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Some reactions confirm that we walk the right path. It gives us more STRENGTH for the struggle. Yesterday, we denounced the US criminal blockade against Venezuela at the UN. Today, the Trump administration responds with desperation against us. TRUTH hurts!
Imagine the nonstop global outrage if Russia, #Syria or #Venezuela beheaded 37 people in one day, and publicly pinned one of the headless bodies to a pole.
Not so much though when it comes to Saudi Arabia, which just did exactly that to its Shia minority.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Women in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and other places remember her “championing” from the US bombs that fell over their heads.