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$50,000.00 Whistleblower Award offered in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions. Please RT
@TheJusticeDept won't hold those accountable for govt. spying on me, so I'm self-funding fight for justice.
(Reposted due to reported Internet interruptions.)
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Do you have any questions about how dogs have evolved to be our no. 1 sidekick? 
Tweet us! (We may read your answer on the air.)

(Respectful insolence is a well known propaganda blog. Disturbing that a medical professional would cite it as if it is a source.) Think for yourself. …
This is a false and slanderous statement. Fortunately, many people are learning to think for themselves. Dr Zimmerman’s entire affidavit and resume can be found here. You can decide for yourself. …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
The latest tactic in the attack on free speech is to openly smear any *defense* of free speech—once a standard part of civic education—as being a reflection of "white privilege" or "white supremacy," as if merely defending your rights were racist. … RT!
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Don't fall for this. Don't be a coward. Throw this lie back in the faces of our would-be censors. That's a line that must not be crossed: when totalitarians start *explicitly denying* your rights and *attacking you* for defending them.
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Unfairness and bias are huge problems on WP. These old problems are a large part of the reason why I feel compelled to keep trying to improve on my creation.
Sorry it’s caused such grief for you.
Fingers crossed. @Wikipedia was a great creation, but in talking to so many, its credibility has been pretty much destroyed and I think people would appreciate info less-controlled by the usual suspects.
There are people paid to watch certain pages and topics to controversialize them or control the message. There are also ideologues who appoint themselves arbiters of public info and they exploit @Wikipedia's systems to feel a sense of power, etc.
As co-founder of @Wikipedia, @Lsanger, what do you think of the idea that a "volunteer" editor like @wikigamaliel , who has demonstrated to much hate and bias against so many. gets to control content my page or others--keeping false and slanderous material on it?
I think the @Wikipedia agenda editor @wikigamaliel removed several of his hateful Tweets. However, the point well made is that he and his cohorts are still inserting false and biased info on my Wikipedia bio page and others under pseudonyms. That's how it works.
See how intellectual, fair and neutral the @wikipedia agenda editors are? (Language warning). Nothing stops this person from editing false info onto my page or any other and making sure it stays there. …
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Pretty sure he controls/edits Rep. King’s @Wikipedia Page, too. See how intellectual, fair and neutral the Wikipedia agenda editors are? (Language warning). Nothing stops this person from editing false info onto my page or any other and making sure it stays there. …
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