Sunday, July 21, 2019

Some Tweets from Beto O'Rourke

  • In Texas, you can be fired for being gay. You can be denied a home for being gay. You can be barred from adopting a child who needs a loving family because you're gay. Discrimination is an urgent issue in our state. Discrimination against Chick-fil-A is not.

  • Seven years after Aurora, we haven't done enough to end gun violence in our schools, our communities, or our country. I'm committed to making this a top priority -- finally achieving universal background checks, stopping the sale of weapons of war, and implementing red flag laws.
  • Our Sioux Center town hall brought us to one of the most conservative counties in Iowa. A place that went 81% for Trump. But those we met believe in this country and believe in our power to change it. It's why we show up everywhere and fight for everyone. Thanks for joining us.

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    Thank you Sioux Center & ! We can’t wait to come back, because in this campaign we will write no one off & take no one for granted. Every voice counts in this race & every American counts in this democracy.

  • Thanks for reaching out, Bill. Just like every parent can send their kid to a public school, under our plan, every American who wants to enroll in Medicare can do so. It’s the best way to guarantee high-quality health care for every single American.

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    Very impressed with what I heard from today when he visited Sioux Center. He’s committed to listening to everyone and it’s obvious. I haven’t committed to caucus for anyone yet, but he moved up much higher on my list after yesterday & today.
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    Beto is the first candidate to visit Sioux Center and the crowd seems happy to see him! Sound on.
  • Muchas gracias por la invitación para acompañarlos esta mañana en La Juanita. Agradezco mucho la oportunidad de platicar con ustedes sobre el cuidado de salud, inmigración, cambio climático, la deuda estudiantil, y asegurando para que todos seamos tratados con dignidad y respeto.

  • These are the consequences of a president who foments hate every day—and sees our diversity not as a strength but as a weakness. Erica, thank you for serving your state and thanks to your husband for serving our country. We are better than this, and together, we will prove it.

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    We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start the day than having take questions at La Juanita in Sioux City, an iconic stop in this community. No one is written off & no one is taken for granted.

  • A burning planet. A broken democracy. A rigged economy. These are some of the greatest challenges we've ever faced—but with our past as our inspiration and our future as our motivation, I believe, together, we can solve every single one of them.
  • "We go to the Moon not because it's easy, but because it's hard; because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, unwilling to postpone, and intend to win." On Apollo 11's anniversary, JFK's words remind us that, in America, when we come together, we can do anything.
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    . taking questions in English and Spanish today at the legendary La Juanita in Sioux City — questions range from protecting Dreamers to college affordability to healthcare
  • We must end solitary confinement, but we also need to: 1⃣End the school-to-prison pipeline 2⃣End the War on Drugs 3⃣End prohibition on marijuana & expunge records 4⃣End private prisons 5⃣End mandatory minimums 6⃣End cash bail Thanks for the question, Matthew.
  • Big thanks to everyone in Sioux City who came out for tonight's town hall—from Brandy who drove 4 hours, to the regular at the Diving Elk who voted for himself in 2016 but says he's open to another option this time. It'll take all of us to meet this moment. I know that we will.

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    I drove 4.5 hours to hear . I was fortunate enough to ask him a question regarding the maternal and infant mortality crisis in America. I will never forget this night.
  • So great to meet Brandy in Sioux City. She's right: Our country will not realize its promise until we close the disparities women of color face in health care, pay, opportunity, maternal mortality, and so much more. Thank you for joining us, Brandy. And thank you for caring.

  • I believe in America. Because I believe in all of you. We're going to make sure the rest of the country knows we believe in them.
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    Spent the morning doing literally the best thing ever: ✔️ Knocking doors with my amazing boss, ✔️ Talking about in between doors ✔️ Engaging the amazing people across the country and encouraginng them participate with our campaign.
  • This is the best way to guarantee universal, high quality healthcare, dramatically reduce out of pocket expenses, and preserve choice—so every American can be well enough to live to their full potential.
  • We don’t have to make the false choice between a status quo where millions of Americans are uninsured and millions more can't afford their prescriptions—and a plan that would force 180 million Americans off their insurance. That's why I support Medicare for America.