C.I.: Jo Jorgensen is the presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party. I don't have time to watch every campaign video that goes up. We almost had a real mistake. Some drunken idiot posted a YOUTUBE video arguing for Jo to be president. And it was playing in the background as I was working on something else. I'd already scheduled it for posting. The kid who made was clearly drunk but who cares. What I did care? At the end when he said Donald Trump needed to be raped with a donkey d**k -- no one needs to be raped, you stupid ass. He had made a case -- based largely on his use of drugs -- for Jo and then he gets to the end and starts saying Donald needs to be raped and he needs to be raped because he's a n-word (the druken White boy used the n-word -- click here if you don't believe me).
I would love to hear a variety of voices but I never a need a voice that says "____ needs to be raped because they're a n"word. I'm not calling for YOUTUBE to pull the video but it has no place here. I've seen e-mails where, for example, Dario Hunter supporters argue that I could be posting personal YOUTUBE videos that endorse Dario, etc. I was willing to try that. Not anymore. I don't have time to go through all these videos. I got lucky that the one of the drunk stupid ass was still playing because if it hadn't been playing in the background, it would have gone up here. I don't expect most political videos -- especially ones that start out decrying the police attacks on African-Americans -- to end with a call to rape someone and the use of the n-word.
We'll stick to official videos -- either campaign videos or press videos. Sorry.