Saturday, September 05, 2020

Former NYT Vice Chair: Julian Assange Case "Extraordinarily Dangerous" to Press Freedom


JAMES GOODALE, former executive vice president, vice chairman, and general counsel of The New York Times is best known for leading the NYT to victory in the famous free-press-threatening Pentagon Papers case. In his book, “Fighting for the Press”, he warned about the danger of the government bringing a similar case against Julian Assange of Wikileaks. Today the government has done just that... Full interview available for patrons, Ethereum Wallet: 0xfc90a42D957b38BAEd12f3614Cbbeb259DAa1b27 Bitcoin Wallet: bc1q790393uytug432dyens6c2samyn7dgwa79g69u Bitcoin Cash Wallet:qzdc4ewpkdj84n37kkkpwq4vm3htnkm6pgd4h8hvs2 Matt Orfalea Help us caption & translate this video!