Dear Common Ills, There's no denying it: 2021 is going to be an exciting, impactful, critically important year for the feminist movement. Already, in the first weeks of the new year, we've seen that opponents of equality are going to challenge us at every turn and do as much damage as they possibly can. But we also have much to celebrate: the first time in U.S. history that presidential Cabinet appointments will reach gender parity; recent victories in Georgia that mean Democrats will control the White House, the House of Representatives with a feminist woman Speaker, and the Senate; and—of course—the election of Kamala Harris, the first woman and first Black and South Asian vice president.
The winter issue of Ms. is a must-read to be sure you’re informed and ready to push forward and fight back in the year ahead—the feminist movement needs you. |
Here's a glimpse at what you'll find inside the upcoming Winter issue: - With Kamala Harris and 11 women nominees, seven of them women of color, President Biden’s Cabinet will be, as he promised, “the single-most diverse… that’s ever existed.” If confirmed by the Senate, 48 percent of the Cabinet will be women—allowing the U.S. to be, for once, a global leader on women’s representation in public office.
- Meet the nine new feminist women who joined the U.S. House of Representative early this month! They bring to the capital not just their experience and commitment to feminist policy change, but a way of thinking that could expand our notions of who exercises political power and for what purposes.
- Ms. Contributing Editor Carrie Baker spoke to leading policymakers, advocates and activists on what women can expect—and hope for—from the Biden administration. She writes, "One of the most important actions that Biden and Harris can take—one that will affect all areas of women’s and girls’ lives—is ensuring that the Equal Rights Amendment becomes part of the U.S. Constitution."
For equality,
 Kathy Spillar Executive Editor |
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