What is the world significance of the US defeat in Afghanistan? What are the prospects for peace and development there? What role could China, Russia and Iran have in Afghanistan’s reconstruction? How has Western hypocrisy over human and women’s rights unravelled? What is the social character of the Taliban? This is the latest panel discussion hosted by the International Manifesto Group, Black Alliance for Peace, and CODEPINK and took place September 19, 2021.
You can watch the entire webinar at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6UQc.... The above excerpt features Ajamu Baraka. Baraka is the national organizer of the Black Alliance for Peace and was the 2016 candidate for vice president on the Green Party ticket. Baraka serves on the Executive Committee of the U.S. Peace Council and leadership body of the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC). He is an editor and contributing columnist for the Black Agenda Report and contributing columnist for Counterpunch. He was recently awarded the US Peace Memorial 2019 Peace Prize and the Serena Shim award for uncompromised integrity in journalism