Sunday, December 26, 2021

US government inreases military budget and continues the farce that US forces are out of Iraq

Where's universal healthcare for Americans?  Where's anything We the People need?

All the mony not handed over to (non-weapons-making) corporations will go to the never-ending war effort.  

The US military budget has yet again increased.  

Natasha Kuma (THE TIMES HUB) reports:

The new budget infuriated progressive Democrats, who had hoped that their party’s control of the White House and the House and Senate would lead to cutbacks in military programs, as they favor diplomacy and demand restraint in foreign policy.

The defense budget proposed by President Joe Biden last May included only a modest increase, in an attempt to reassure them, but Congress added about $25 billion to it, with the aim of maintaining America’s prestige.

Oh, that awful Joe Manchin!!!!

Isn't that what we've heard for weeks now?

What's so awful about him.

Unlike 'progressive' Democrats, Joe actually fought for what he wanted.

The buget for more wars increases and the 'progressive Democrats' stamp their feet and threaten not to eat their dinner.  That's about all they do.  Overgrown children who won't fight for the needs of the people.

And they take part in the lie that 'combat' troops have left Iraq.  Meanwhile, MEHR reports some reality:

Sabereen News telegram channel has reported a new attack on the US Army logistics convoy in Iraq.

According to Sabereen, a US military logistics convoy was targeted in Anbar province in western Iraq on Sunday afternoon.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet.

While members of the US Congress lie to the American people by taking part in the farce that 'combat' troops have left Iraq, turns out others aren't willing to play along.  IRAN FRONT PAGE notes:

Hadi al-Ameri said the withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq is an objective on which no compromise can be made as national sovereignty and independence are Baghdad’s red lines.

He said he was opposed to US troops remaining in Iraq under the pretext of training and consultations, and that the presence of even a single American soldier in the country cannot be tolerated.

If the US chooses to stay in Iraq, he said, it will have to accept the consequences of this mistake.

He said if Iraq needs military trainers and consultants, an agreement must be concluded to specify the place where they would be present as well as their number and mission. 

PRESS TV reports:

Back in July, Washington and Baghdad reached an agreement on the American military’s withdrawal, under which the US would keep its troops on Iraqi soil under the guise of providing advisory assistance to the Iraqi military.

On Monday, the spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Operations Command said American combat forces had completely pulled out of the Ain al-Assad air base in al-Anbar Province and only the so-called advisory forces had remained there.

[. . .]

However, Kate’ al-Rikabi, a former member of the Iraqi Parliament’s Security and Defense Committee, said that the US occupation forces were still present at Ain al-Assad.

Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Do You Believe Jussie Now?" went up this morning.