Sunday, May 15, 2022

A very expected court ruling and a very expected arrest

Who's surprised?  Who's the idiot that's surprised right now?  This has been established before.  When Nouri was calling Mustafa's actions out weeks ago, everyone should have been thinking recent history.  This is not a surprise.  This ruling is totally in line with the Court's previous rulings and it's as though no one remembers 2010 through 2012.  Well, Nouri remembers.  It's just everyone else that seems to have amnesia. 

And let's talk about another not surprise.  Having failed with the 'modern day Indiana Jones' garbage, the new p.r. for the Brit in Iraq facing a trial is that he didn't know.  Oh.  That's so cute.  I thought he was an expert.  He's a geologist. 

He didn't know -- how sad.

I guess his education system failed him.  Let's all find out where he graduated from and not send anymore students there, okay?

A foreign man went to Iraq, helped himself to historical artifacts -- as though they were hotel bars of soap -- and tried to leave the country with them.

Any educated person in the world -- especially one educated in that field -- would have grasped that you don't leave a region that's been repeatedly plundered with artificats.

They were cracked!  They were broken!!

Yeah, that's what happens to artifacts that were new back during the BC period.  

He knew better.  He got caught.

Should he be killed?

No one should be.

And he may not be.  That's the most severe punishment if he's found guilty.

He needs to go on trial.  The world needs to see that it has to stop stealing from Iraq.  Whether it's Hobby Lobby or some other ass, they all seem to think they can take whatever they want from Iraq.  No.  That's not right.

So a cry baby got caught trying to smuggle historical artifacts out of Iraq?  Guess it's time for the trial and maybe for everyone to grasp just how wrong what he did was and how wrong it is that this keeps happening.  

You want to save your Daddy?  Stop lying and stop the b.s. that he didn't know.  Start admitting it was wrong.  Start saying he regrets it.

This is just one more White man trying to rip off the Arab world and I don't think his supporters grasp that no one's feeling sympathy for him.  He tried to commit a crime and he got caught.  And all the spin in the world hasn't made anyone feel sorry for him.

Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Elderly Celebrity Is As Confused As Joe" and Kat's "Kat's Korner: Freewheelin' Jewel" went up this weekend.  The following sites updated: