Hope + human kindness
Letters have been edited for length and clarity. | |  | Your advice on loneliness | I am ever more certain that the feeling of loneliness people describe is, in fact, a great gift — a human distress signal urging us to create real connection. We are mammals, after all, and we do not survive without one another. Heed this warning. Take it as seriously as a fever. Loneliness is dangerous. Sheila H., Portland, Oregon I’ve discovered it’s the small things done to bring joy to others that add up to a happier me. I hope the same discovery happens to others. Jane G., Andover, Massachusetts |
|  | It’s not all bad news | Declining fertility in the developed world provides hope that the human population will soon reach its peak. The advancement of robotics and other technologies holds the promise of transitioning to a world in which a much smaller global human population enjoys a high standard of living on a cleaner, wilder and more beautiful Earth. Kent I., Sonoma, California |
|  | Raise the number of refugees in the US? | The U.S. should raise the cap on Ukrainian refugees. The U.S. is a large country and many Americans have big hearts. We have an obligation to help Ukrainians, Central Americans and others who are fleeing persecution. Paula S., Durham, North Carolina I live in Pennsylvania. Our small city is hosting about a dozen refugee families from Afghanistan. The main issue is housing. Our local housing market is typical of the entire nation: Rents are going up and there is a huge shortage of housing. We have a very large Ukrainian population in this state, which may result in individuals taking in fellow countrymen. But that won’t be enough, I fear, to counteract the housing shortages and expanding rental costs. Right now, the government is placing refugees into motels. I don’t know how long this can last. In short, it’s not about how much we welcome refugees. It’s about finding them places to live. Linda D., Carlisle, Pennsylvania |
Dogs, nature are sources of happiness
| | In a recent Daily Dose, we explored the idea that dogs may ease our “species loneliness,” and nearly 300 of you responded to our poll asking what brings happiness into your life. A whopping 75% said your dog. In addition, 71% said that trees bring happiness, and many of you wrote in your own answers to say the ocean, rivers, lakes and streams bring you joy, as does sitting quietly in nature. Other popular answers? Friends and grandchildren, gratitude and staying aware of what’s good in life are all sources of happiness. It’s worth noting that not a single person wrote to say money, or the newest iPhone, brings happiness. |
Climate dilemma
| |  | Should Zimbabwe allow new oil drilling? | Yes, Zimbabwe should be allowed to drill if the people want it. They should be free to do what they want! Katrina P. Zimbabwe should be allowed and encouraged to develop its energy sector. This would reduce dependence on foreign aid and enable the country to become more self-reliant, which is also empowering for the people, allowing them to break free from the control of "more developed" European countries. Kimberly A., Tacoma, Washington The oil must stay in the ground. Who should pay compensation to Zimbabwe? The cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels over the last 200 years, mainly by the rich countries of Europe and North America and, more recently, Australia, China and India. The international oil companies have profited and they must therefore pay for oil resources to remain in the ground and make greater efforts to develop sustainable energy to replace oil. Ros W., Durham, England |
|  | Let’s talk water, not just energy | I’m 80 years old and have seen what man has done to our country in that time. I’ve lived in a recreational vehicle full time for 30 years, and everywhere I travel in any direction, I observe construction on new housing and businesses. No one seems concerned about water and sewer systems for all these new subdivisions. I saw my beloved Eel River run absolutely dry. Here in California, all new construction has to have a hookup for electric cars. I will never be able to buy an electric car. I think all new construction instead should have recycled water storage for watering the landscape. Linda J., Contra Costa County, California |
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