Sarah Abdallah Tweets:
Today we remember Julian Assange who is facing life in prison for publishing evidence of US war crimes in Iraq.
Meanwhile, those who invaded Iraq on a pack of lies, launching an illegal war that killed and displaced millions and gave rise to ISIS, remain free.
Joe Biden needs to be called out for the persecution of Julian Assange.
-- First Amendment of the US Constitution
With this part of the First Amendment of the US Constitution in mind, one should assume that these rights are actually being granted for everybody in the United States. This should also apply to the US government requiring it to be transparent and to treat the press accordingly. Nobody should be infringed in these fundamental rights of freedom, even if the execution of this law may harm the government.
However, the government is often in a superior position and abuses its power to the disadvantage of the individuals. In the US, a man striving for governmental transparency and open communication is charged for over 18 counts of violating the Espionage Act . . .
So opens Hannes Matthias Faulhaber's LEGAL PROCEEDINS AGAINST JULIAN ASSANGE: A SYMBOL FOR US PRESS OPRESSION. US President Joe Biden continues to persecute Julian. In Joe's decaying mind, the US government is supposed to punish those who reveal War Crimes, not those who commit them. Back to Faulhaber:
In summer 2010, Assange was contacted by an IT-speicalist of the US Army (who was at the time deployed in Iraq). He possessed secret files about the Guantanamo-prison, the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war filled with a lot of until then unpublished data, reports, pictures and videos. As time went by, the soldier, now called Chelsea Manning, provided Assange with more and more secret documents -- about 750,000 in total.
[. . .]
If the US really wants to limit the damages to its reputation and even repair its image, it should follow a wiser theory. Instead of continuing to evade responsibility, it should take corrective action as its repair strategy. Including the First Amendment of the Constitution mentioned in the beginning, the appropriate corrective action would be the unlimited freedom of the press.
Today, a protest took place in Mexico City calling for Julian to be set free.
Protest for #PressFreedom & #FreeSpeech in México City with the presence of the father & brother of #JulianAssange.
The protest took place today in front of the US Embassy in Mexico City. SPUTNIK spoke with the John Shipton, the father of Julian who states that his son is a symbol of freedom of the press around the world.
And the world is watching. As Joe persecutes Julian and attacks freedom of the press, the world watches. October 8th, there will be a rally in London. Graham Elwood has already announced that he will be taking part in the rally.
There are actions taking place around the world. October 8th will also see action in the Bay Area.

Here in the Bay Area please join us as we participate in this worldwide solidarity event of the Surround Parliament human chain. We will meet at noon on October 8th at Harry Bridges Plaza in San Francisco. Bring #YellowRibbons4Assange, signs, your family & friends, or just yourself. We will form a human chain of yellow ribbons, come rain or shine. If you can’t make it to San Francisco, create a chain or stand alone in your city and let us and/or @Candles4Assange know about it.
October 8, 2022 - 12:00 pm
Harry Bridges Plaza
Market St. and The Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94111
October 8th, a protest rally is planned for DC, in front of the US Justice Dept, starting at noon.
The time to find your voice is now.