Saturday, May 18, 2024

Congressman Robert Garcia’s Statement Condemning Peruvian Government For Passing Homophobic Law Classifying Transgender Individuals As “Mentally Ill”

Congressman Robert Garcia’s Statement Condemning Peruvian Government For Passing Homophobic Law Classifying Transgender Individuals As “Mentally Ill”

May 15, 2024

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Robert Garcia (CA-42) released the following statement after the Peruvian Government’s Health Ministry ruled to classify transgender, non-binary, and intersex people in Peru as “mentally ill:”  

“As a gay Peruvian-American and the first Peruvian American to serve in Congress, it’s clear to me the decision by the Boluarte administration and the right-wing Congress to attack and label trans and intersex Peruvians as “mentally ill” is discriminatory, dangerous and shameful,” said Congressman Robert Garcia. “Instead of working on real problems – democratic backsliding, illegal mining and logging, and worker exploitation – this extreme measure moves Peru backward. I’ll be working directly with the State Department to push back on this direct attack on LGBTQ+ Peruvians.”



"Como peruano-americano gay y el primer peruano-americano en servir en el Congreso, es claro para mí que la ley del gobierno de Boluarte y el Congreso derechista de atacar y etiquetar a los peruanos trans y de genero no binario como "enfermos mentales" es discriminatoria, peligrosa y vergonzosa", dijo el congresista Robert García. "En lugar de trabajar en los problemas reales como el deterioro de la democracia en el país, la minería y la explotación forestal ilegal, y la explotación de los trabajadores, esta medida extrema hace que Perú retroceda en vez de avanzar. Trabajaré directamente con el Departamento de Estado Estadounidense, para rechazar este ataque directo contra los peruanos LGBTQ+."
