Monday, May 20, 2024

ICYMI! Youth-Led Solutions for a Brighter World


Bioneers Pulse – updates from the Bioneers Community


As we continue to wade through a moment marked by unparalleled global crises, it is often the youngest among us who have the clarity, passion and energy to take the lead in tackling the dire problems we face. As they prepare to wrestle with the challenges left behind by their ancestors, youth movement leaders are inspiring people across generations to act boldly to right historic wrongs and implement genuine solutions.

Below, we invite you to hear Sage Lenier discuss how we can transition to a green economy; read about Yurok leader Sammy Gensaw III's progress in restoring the Klamath River; watch the Destiny Arts Youth Performance Company’s explosive creativity in its social justice advocacy; and hear young genius inventor Charlotte Lenore Michaluk share her hopeful vision for sustainable technologies. The new generation is setting the course, and is asking us all to join them. 

Explore these inspiring campaigns lead by the next generation, and help us spread the word about the diverse ways youth are working to heal our world. 

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Sage Lenier – Towards a Just Transition: Blueprint for a Green Economy

We spend a lot of time talking about the ecological crisis and not nearly enough talking about real, workable solutions. If the ultimate goal is to keep fossil fuels in the ground, how must we transform our economy to make that possible? Award-winning activist and innovative educator Sage Lenier, one of the most impressive young leaders to emerge in recent years, sheds light on what a realistic and just transition looks like and the role we can each play in leading us toward a more circular and equitable economy.

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Navigating the Currents of Change: A Conversation with Indigenous Activist Sammy Gensaw III

“I really want people to know that these are whole families that have depended on these watersheds for thousands and thousands of years. We will continue to depend on these watersheds until the end of time.” — Sammy Gensaw III

Gensaw (Yurok) was born and raised as a fisherman along Northern California’s Klamath River. From his earliest days, he was steeped in the ethos of community organizing, a legacy passed down through generations within his Yurok heritage. This upbringing instilled in him a profound understanding of the interdependence between human communities and the natural world, a perspective that would shape his life’s work. As Director of the Ancestral Guard, a nonprofit dedicated to teaching traditional fishing and farming practices to Indigenous youth, Gensaw’s approach encompasses not just environmental advocacy but also food sovereignty, cultural revival, community resilience, and self-sufficiency. Working alongside his people, he played a pivotal role in securing the removal of four of the six major dams on the river. Watch his Bioneers keynote and read more in the below Q&A. 

Read the Conversation

Performance by Destiny Arts Youth Performance Company

In a performance that weaves together spoken word, step and dance, the diverse group of teens who make up Destiny Arts Youth Performance Company express their experience and vision. Since 1993, Destiny Arts has performed original work for up to 25,000 audience members annually, garnering critical acclaim and widespread community support for both their technical prowess and their commitment to advancing inclusivity, equity, and justice. Destiny Arts collaborates with professional artists to create dynamic, original productions. Combining hip hop, modern and aerial dance, theater, song, and rap, company members take the stage to tell stories that stem from their lived experiences and express their visions for a world transformed. 

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Charlotte Michaluk – Sailing into the Future: Weaving Tradition and Modernity

What can fiber arts and rotor sails have in common? How can we create sustainable technologies that can be implemented in the near future while balancing economic realities with public health and climate change mitigation? Charlotte Lenore Michaluk, an extraordinary 17-year-old scientist, researcher, biomimetic inventor, passionate eco-activist, and conservationist shares her hopeful vision informed by a deep respect of the natural world and powered by brilliant, clean green technologies.

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Kevin J. Patel – A Brief But Spectacular Take on Giving Climate Activism a Shot

“When people tell me that climate change is inevitable, I always tell them that that’s not true. We can still do something about this crisis. I’m very optimistic in the young people who are leading this fight.” — Kevin J. Patel on PBS NewsHour. 

Los Angeles climate justice activist Kevin J. Patel was recently featured on the PBS NewsHour program Brief But Spectacular. As part of the program, Patel talks about how he was inspired to take action after experiencing health issues due to poor air quality. In 2019, he founded OneUpAction International, an organization that supports and empowers youth to implement climate solutions. Watch the PBS segment below and check out his 2022 Bioneers talk on collective ecosystems. 

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Through engaging courses led by some of the world's foremost movement leaders, Bioneers Learning equips engaged citizens and professionals like you with the knowledge, tools, resources, and networks to initiate or deepen your engagement, leading to real change in your life and community.

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