Friday, June 07, 2024




Presidential Preference Poll, Let your voice be heard !!!


Hi Greens, Its that time again to vote for the candidates who will represent us in the upcoming election. We are asking you to participate in a Presidential poll to help our national delegates who will vote in the national convention August 15-18. We need to know which Presidential candidate best represents our members here in Michigan. If you are a member of GPMI and would like to have your voice heard please follow one of the links below and follow instructions.

On our website
Presidential Preference Poll

download the PDF here
Presidential Poll document PDF

download word doc here
Presidential Poll

I would also like to remind you that our State Wide convention is just around the corner and will be in person and online. Please join us to vote for your favorite candidates.

June 15 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
GPMI Convention
Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing
5509 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Lansing, MI, 48911


The Green Party of Michigan is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to continue serving Michiganders, keeping candidates on the ballot, and to move our party forward without corporate money which invites corruption.

We need the support of the people like you. Consider making a donation today (or become a monthly donor in the amount of your choice!) to help sustain our fight for Green politics and against our broken two-party system.


Contact GPMI for questions

Phone: (313)-815-2025

Email: ;

Sponsoring Group: Green Party of Michigan


©2024 Green Party of Michigan | PO Box 2754, Grand Rapids 49501