Monday, July 08, 2024

Transphobe, Czech citizen and one time tennis player Martina Navratilova Says LGBTQ+ Community 'Jettisoned' Her Over Trans Issue


When Martina couldn't be who she was -- a lesbian though she toyed with the label bisexual for years -- she just had to be an American citizen.  And our country was good to her and gave her citizenship but that wasn't enough for Martina.  She went and got her Czech citizenship back.

Fine, go back there.  Free up space for an immigrant who wants to be in this country.  I'm not joking about dual citizenship.  I think it's a very poor thing to have.  And I think if you granted citizenship by this country and you then go and get dual citizenship with another country (your country of origin or whatever), you've given up your citizenship here.  

Martina used America when she needed it.  When people were whispering -- and some publicly stating -- that it wasn't fair that a lesbian was playing with 'our girls' and sharing locker rooms with them, she benefited from people pointing out how stupid and insane that was.  Yet she's now doing the same to trans women.

Martina, why don't you go back to your home country because you've made it clear that the US isn't enough for you.