Is it a need to sell the illegal war that results in that fact not getting covered? Is it everyone's just too busy to notice it? Is it a combination of the two with or without something else thrown in?
5 deaths away from 3200 and the 3000 mark hit on New Year's Eve. That's 195 reported deaths since December 31, 2006 or you can look at it as 195 reported deaths so far in 2007.
The morning of December 31st, before the 3,000th death had been announced, we did the illustration for The Third Estate Sunday Review's "Editorial: The 3,000 mark looms."

But the Bully Boy's never had to run too hard from the 3,000 mark or any of the other results from his illegal war of choice because he's rarely been called out on anything.
Even now, he's really not being called on his continual lies about the numbers involved in his planned escalation. CBS and AP reported yesterday Bully Boy's announced plan to increase the 21,500 number by 4,600.
Cindy notes Ralph Nader's "Bush Twins to Iraq" (Common Dreams):
On many occasions, President George W. Bush has lectured the American people that "amidst all this violence and bloodshed" in Iraq, "is the sacrifice worth it? It is worth it, and it is vital to the security of our country.
Well then, why don't his daughters, 25 year olds Barbara and Jenna join the armed services and share in the sacrifice? Or is the sacrifice only to be borne overwhelmingly by lower-income whites, Hispanics and African-Americans who comprise the bulk of the casualties?
Mr. Bush is constantly speechifying to the American people, and increasingly failing to secure their support. Nearly 70 percent of Americans want out of Iraq and believe it was not worth the price. Americans may be wondering why neither Bush, nor Cheney, nor the neocons, who fabricated the causes for invading Iraq, nor the corporate bosses raking in war profits - why neither they nor their families are showing any signs of sacrifice?
Nolanda forwarded this e-mail from Declaration of Peace:
Beginning this Friday, the Declaration of Peace Campaign will hold vigils, marches, religious services, visits to Congressional offices, and sit-ins in cities across the country to mark the fourth anniversary of the US war in Iraq and to call for a concrete plan for a rapid end to the occupation. The Declaration of Peace has also been working with the March 16 Christian Peace Witness for Iraq, where over 740 people have committed to participate in nonviolent civil disobedience at the White House.
To make this grassroots campaign a national story, the Declaration of Peace is working with a progressive media firm in Washington, DC. In the past three weeks, Declaration of Peace supporters have donated most of the cost of this media campaign. We now only need $1,500 to fund this visibility campaign.
Please help us to reach this goal!Your donation of $20, $50, $100, $500 or more will help us reach this goal -- and make our movement for peace as effective and as powerful as it can be. To make a donation online today, click here!
Our actions come at a crucial moment. This week, Congress is weighing nearly $100 billion in new war funding and a plan to approve another eighteen months of the US occupation. Rather than lay the groundwork for a genuine peace, this plan will likely prolong and widen this growing calamity.
Another course, though, is possible. Emboldened by the people of the US, the new Congress could exercise courage and imagination in passing a plan that would end the occupation rapidly and launch a comprehensive peace process. This is why people across the United States are taking action in many cities, including: Springfield, IL; Merced, CA; Tucson, AZ; Hilton Head, SC; Janesville, WI; Terre Haute, IN; Marshall, TX; Binghamton, NY; Cincinnati, OH; Ann Arbor, MI; Tallahassee, FL; Des Moines, IA; Mobile, AL; Knoxville, TN; Fort Bragg, CA; Milwaukee, WI; Stockton, CA; Vineyard Haven, MA; Saginaw, MI; Providence, RI; San Ramon, CA; Duluth, MN; Winsted, CT; Missoula, MT; Sioux Falls, SD; Bishop, CA; Cedar Falls, IA; Albany, NY; Erie, PA; Huntington Station, NY; St. Simons Island, GA; New Orleans, LA; New York City, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Irvine, CA; Minneapolis, MN; San Francisco, CA: Wilmington, DE; San Diego, CA; Binghamton, NY; LaCrosse, WI; and cities throughout the state of Maine.
Please click here to support the Declaration of Peace's media campaign to highlight nationwide nonviolent action March 16-19! Ken ButiganFor the Declaration of Peace National Coordinating Body
PS - See the latest Declaration of Peace campaign updates and events calendar at:
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