Sunday, April 15, 2007

It sure looks like a movement (except to some)

If he had any doubts upon arriving here, big news from back home likely erased them.
It was 5 p.m. Wednesday when Linjamin Mull, stepping off a bus in downtown London, ended a two-week journey that turned him from an American soldier to expatriate, just as the Iraq war controversy flared again in the U.S.
That same day, the U.S. government announced troop deployments to Iraq -- a war Mull refuses to join -- will be extended from 12 to 15 months.
"Most people don't have the courage to leave," said Mull, a New York City social worker and graduate of Southern Connecticut State University.

Vic noted the above. It's from Patrick Maloney's "U.S. soldier in London to avoid Iraq war" (Canoe News). The-the-the same day as the extension! Wait, no, that can't be! That would mean we really do have a movement going on. No ___. The media (big and small in this country) couldn't be bothered with Dean Walcott. They probably can't be bothered with Linjamin Mull. Or any others who go public. It would upset their lie that it's not a movement. Even after the bad, bad article in the Times revealed the actual rates, the record rates, of self-check outs that the US military had been undercounting for years.

They'll probably continue their silence because, at this point, to cover the story would mean admitting that they had failed to cover throughout 2006.

There will be another post (and the comic -- I'm avoiding a name because I don't want to do links in this post -- it's a quick one while we wrap up the writing edition so that something is up). (This is also going to be the topic of the editorial. We weren't that thrilled with the editorial (same topic as the comic and you know who does it better with visuals than we could with words). So while we were trying to work out bugs for the illustrations (not much luck there) I went to the private e-mail accounts and saw this by Vic and two other things we'll try to work into an editorial. If we can all use the link to Laura Flanders on the left, I can note that we do discuss her book (Blue Grit).

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