You've heard that in some form over and over since 2002. Sometimes it's prettied up. But that's really what's at the heart of the clucking.
This morning, pick your paper, you can see exactly why some people would still believe in a non-existant link.
Bully Boy's desperate to sell the illegal war, to extend the illegal war, so he's lying again and who's calling him out.
You'll read "claims" and you may get some weak ass, wordy, circular thing about how . . .
Well try to follow it because the average reader won't be able to.
I believe it's the New York Times that says something to the effect of Bully Boy "did not try to debunk the fact . . ."
It's all a lot of crap. It's all a lot of cowardice.
Bully Boy's lying again.
When Ryan Crocker was selling "the fear" last week, he wasn't selling it to Congress. He was selling it to the American people. And that was the roll out.
Scare the people and try to make them believe a link that never existed, try to make them believe Bully Boy's been fighting on against the same fight instead of THE FACT that he created the problems today.
He's lying and you can't find that in the reporting.
You can't find a mainstream outlet that will tell the truth in reporting.
And he may get a slight bump in the polls by LYING and SCARING the country again.
The press won't hold him accountable. They might do an editorial, a few columnists may step forward. So what?
That happened before as well.
The cowardice in reporting allowing it before and will allow it again.
A column, an editorial, that's an opinion.
People turn to reporting to know what's what. A column? That's an "opinion" -- it could be wrong.
Bully Boy's LYING again and reporters and editors are too scared and too damn wimpy to do their basic job. Columnists and editorials may pick up the slack but just the fact that those are "opinions" and that the reporting does not tell the truth straight out will allow some to believe, "Well, maybe Bully Boy's telling the truth."
He's a LIAR and the press refusal to call that out is as cowardly as the refusal of the Congress to impeach him.
From Jimmy Breslin's "Impeach George Bush To Stop War Lies, Deaths" (Newsday via Common Dreams):
The other day, Bush said he couldn't understand why in the world would some people say that millions of Americans have no health insurance. "Why, all they have to do is go to the emergency room," he said.
Said this with the smirk, the insolent smug, contemptuous way he speaks to citizens.
People, particularly these politicians, these frightened beggars in suits, seem petrified about impeachment. It could wreck the country. Ridiculous. I've been around this business twice and we're all still here and no politician was even injured. Richard Nixon lied during a war and helped get some 58,500 Americans killed and many escaped by hanging onto helicopter skids. Nixon left peacefully. Mike Mansfield of Montana, the Democratic Senate majority leader, said on television that the Senate impeachment trial of Nixon would be televised and there would be no immunity. That meant Nixon would have to face the country under oath and if he lied he would go to prison. He knew he was finished as he heard this. Mansfield said no more. He got up and left. Barbara Walters, on the "Today" show, said, "He doesn't say very much, does he?"
The second time the subject was Bill Clinton for illegal holding in the hallway.
This time, we have dead bodies involved. Consider what is accomplished by the simple power of the word impeachment. If you read these broken-down news writers or terrified politicians claiming that an impeachment would leave the nation in pieces, don't give a moment to them.
It opens with the appointing of an investigator to report to the House on evidence that calls for impeachment. He could bring witnesses forward. That would be all you'd need. Here in the impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon came John Dean. His history shows how far down the honesty and honor of this country has gone. Dean was the White House counsel. Richard Nixon, at his worst, never told him not to appear or to remain silent in front of the Congress. Dean went on and did his best to fill prisons. After that came Alexander Butterfield, a nobody. All he had to say was that the White House had a taping system that caught all the conversations in the White House. Any of them not on tape were erased by a participant.
The same is desperately needed now. Curious, following the words, an investigator -- the mind here sees George Mitchell and Warren Rudman, and you name me better -- can slap a hand on the slitherers and sneaks who have kept us in war for five years and who use failing generals to beg for more time and more lives of our young. A final word in September? Two years more, the generals and Bush people say.
Say impeachment and you’ll get your troops home.
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