Friday, February 28, 2014

Dollars and Common Sense-- Lets get Our Privacy BACK! (Restore the 4th)

This is from the organization Restore The 4th:

Outreach & Education Workgroups Tuesday March 4th 9PM EST
Operations & Fundraising Workgroups Thursday March 6th 9PM EST

Everyone who is fed up with their privacy being trampled upon by their own government needs to do the following three things:

Restore Individual Privacy,
Restore Constitutional Democracy, and


And you can start by getting involved. The Operations and Fund-raising Workgroup will meet next week. In general, this team will develop  best practices regarding national operations and provide funding for local chapters' actions. We need to discuss initial means of generating revenue such as possible membership drive, subscription to a podcast (that we would create, focused on reporting stories centred on privacy rights and concerns), as well as the best uses of National RT4's funds.
Join us on Thursday, March 6rd at 9pmEST on the IRC! No previous experience with the local or national RT4 organizations is necessary, but obviously we welcome anyone with experience that can help us to work more effectively. Please check out our agenda. All members of RT4 are welcome to (and encouraged!) to comment on this agenda
During the working group meeting, we will discuss individuals' interest in projects as outlined in the agenda.

Operations & Fund-raising Workgroup is additional to the Tuesday 9PM Outreach & Education Workgroup meeting.
Here's how you get to the official IRC channel:
Channel: #RT4Main

Instructions for those new to IRC:
1. Go to
2. Choose a nickname
3. Channel: #RT4Main

National Operations Coordinator's IRC nickname is "SeanFromQueens"