Well that is good to know. It's an oil rich state and the oil brings in billions each year, so it's good to know the US-propped up government of Iraq is finally self-sufficient.
Or something.
And then there's this:
In #Iraq, $4mil from #Sweden enables @undpiraq to rebuild areas liberated from ISIS: http://on.undp.org/JHr

And then there's this:
The Iraqi government is claiming record highs in oil pumped in central and southern Iraq for the month of December. Where are the billions?
When protesters took to the street, US-installed prime minister Haider al-Abadi insisted he would end corruption.
He didn't.
And one of the richest countries in the world continues to fail at providing for its people because the corrupt officials continue to steal the money.
Remember this Tweet from last week:
Where has the money gone?
And remember the failure to pay the Kurdistan Regional Government its shares of the federal monies?
Where has the money gone?
Under Nouri al-Maliki, it was obvious where the money was going.
Ahmed al-Maliki, Nouri's half-wit son, was the new Uday Hussein. And he needed expensive sports cars -- more than Iraqis needed potable water, you understand.
He needed pricey real estate in England.
He needed all the things that he was too stupid and too untrained and too lazy to earn the money to pay for.
So Nouri diverted a great deal of the Iraqi people's money to his half-wit son.
Where's Haider sending the money?
Because it's not going to benefit the Iraqi people.
What happens, as Cher sings, "When The Money's Gone?"
On music, GETTV.
Do you get GETTV?
It's an over the airwaves broadcast channel carried by some cable and dish systems.
If you do, tonight's broadcast of THE JUDY GARLAND SHOW features Barbra Streisand -- and their famous duet of "Get Happy/Happy Days Are Here Again."
Jo'el asked that we note that at Third. Third will not go up in time for that. So I'm noting it here.
I'll also add that this appearance resulted in Barbra's first Emmy nomination. And that Ethel Merman shows up during the show to join the two women in song.
The e-mail address for this site is common_ills@yahoo.com.