Ecological Wisdom • Social Justice • Grassroots Democracy • Non-Violence
Green Party of Michigan
For Immediate Release
August 30, 2016
Local Contacts: Fred Vitale,, 313-580-4905
Green Party Presidential Candidates Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka to speak in Detroit
September 3, 12 - 3 pm, Bert’s Warehouse Theatre, Eastern Market
Green Party of Michigan joins thousands of Green Party supporters in
Michigan in welcoming Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, the Green Party
candidates for president and vice president, to Detroit, in their first
joint appearance since the Green Party convention, on Saturday,
September 3, 12 -3 pm, at Bert’s Warehouse Theatre, 2739 Russell Street.
says poverty, war, and climate change “are the issues of the day. We
must take them on, but our establishment political parties are basically
funded by the Big Banks, the fossil fuel giants, and the war
profiteers. They are not going to fix this. They have created this
Stein was the Green Party’s 2012 presidential candidate. She is a
mother, an organizer, a physician, and pioneering environmental-health
advocate. As a practicing physician, she became aware of the links
between toxic exposures and illness emerging in the 1990s. She began to
fight for a healthy environment as a human right, assisting non-profits,
community groups, and Native Americans combating environmental
injustice and racism in dangerous exposures like lead and mercury in air
and water pollution, incinerators and landfills, toxic waste sites and
Baraka is a human rights activist and scholar, whose experience spans
four decades. With roots in the Black Liberation Movement and
anti-apartheid and Central American solidarity struggles, Baraka has
directed Amnesty International’s program to abolish the death penalty,
and was the founding director of the US Human Rights Network.
with Dr. Stein and Mr. Baraka, emcee Maureen Taylor, chair of Michigan
Welfare Rights Organization, will welcome Michigan Green Party
candidates and other non-partisan candidates including Elena Herrada,
current member of the Detroit School Board and candidate for the renamed
Detroit School Board this Fall.
provided by Bill Meyer Group, with special guests Sturge Moreland, Jose
Riojas, Verdena “Polly” Taylor, and Martha Reeves of Motown fame.
momentum increased dramatically after Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary
Clinton. Several campaigners and delegates for Sanders who have now
turned their support for the Stein/Baraka ticket will also speak at the
fundamental message of the Green Party — People, Planet and Peace Over
Profits — will be brought to Detroit voters for the greater common good,
not the lesser evil.
Admission is free and the public is welcome.
For more information:
About Jill Stein:
About Ajamu Baraka:
The public may RSVP for the event at:
For other information about Green Party of Michigan candidates:
For more information about the Green Party of the United States:
You can also “like” the Green Party of Michigan US Facebook page and follow GPMI's Twitter feed @MIGreenParty.
# # #
created/distributed using donated labor
Green Party of Michigan * PO Box 504 • Warren, MI 48090-0504 * 313-815-2025 *
was formed in 1987 to address environmental issues in Michigan
politics. Greens are organized in all 50 states and the District of
Columbia. Each state Green Party sets its own goals and creates its own
structure, but US Greens agree on Ten Key Values:
Ecological Wisdom - Grassroots Democracy - Social Justice - Non-Violence
Community Economics - Decentralization - Feminism - Respect for Diversity -
Personal/Global Responsibility - Future Focus/Sustainability
the green party of michigan