VA says it currently lacks
authority to cover emergency transportation services for newborns;
Murray’s bill would make coverage certain
Senator Murray: “We must
ensure no veteran ever faces a surprise bill like this, especially new
moms dealing with an emergency situation”
(Washington, D.C.)
– U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member of the Senate
Veterans’ Affairs Committee, introduced legislation to make clear the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has the authority to cover the costs
of medically-necessary emergency transportation services for newborn
babies of certain women veterans. Senator Murray took action after
multiple reports of new mothers being stuck with thousands of dollars in
bills because of a narrow interpretation of current law by VA.
idea that emergency transportation to get newborn infants into
emergency care would not be covered by VA is a shocking and needless gap
in care,” said Senator Murray. “We must ensure no veteran ever faces a surprise bill like this, especially new moms dealing with an emergency situation.”
In addition to ensuring that VA has the authority to cover medically-necessary emergency transportation, the legislation would:
- Close a loophole on delivery location requirements that would potentially nullify an otherwise qualified newborn’s access to VA covered medical care
- Expand the seven days of VA provided newborn medical care (through a waiver process) for a medically necessary extension
- Remove unnecessary burdens on the veteran during the billing process
- Waive any outstanding debts associated with medically-necessary emergency transportation services for a newborn incurred by the veteran
2008, Senator Murray introduced S. 2799, the Women Veterans Health Care
Improvement Act of 2008 which, when ultimately enacted into law as part
of the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010,
originally gave VA authority to provide care for newborn babies born to
women veterans.
Read the text of the VA Newborn Emergency Treatment Act here.
More background:
are one of the fastest-growing population of veterans, making up 10
percent of today’s veteran population, according to the most recent
figures. Sen. Murray has been fighting to ensure VA is equipped to
handle the needs of women veterans through legislation such as the
bipartisan Women Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2017 and the Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act of 2017.