Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Yeah the Saudis - where Christianity is banned, women are slaves, and they’re murdering Yemeni children in cold blood.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
It doesn't really matter who fired first. Whatever Israel does it is by definition always in "self-defense." If there's one axiom that guides US policy in ME it is that Israel has a "right to act in self-defense."
Let’s set some things straight:
Israel attacked Syria first.
Syria (not Iran) retaliated by firing at Israeli positions illegally present in the Golan Heights.
The Golan Heights is internationally recognized as Syrian land.
But sure, Israel is merely “defending” itself. 

Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
This is beyond Orwellian from the British government. There was no Iranian ‘attack on Israel’ Israel has been illegally attacking Syria with impunity. In times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
So basically Israel thinks it can attack Syria whenever it wants—as it has done over 100 times since 2012—on Syrian soil, while Syria is fighting against jihadist terrorists, and Syria is never supposed to defend itself? In what universe is this even remotely acceptable?