Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Episode 97: CEOs Pocket YOUR Money; It’s A Fact: More Unions, Less Inequality

The Working Life Podcast with Jonathan Tasini
As Labor Day looms on the horizon, I ring up Larry Mishel, distinguished fellow at the Economic Policy Institute, to talk about his new study looking at CEO greed. Not a shock, but if you are wondering where that pay increase went, it’s probably in the CEO’s bank account.

A logical conversation after digging into CEO greed is this: how do you fight inequality? The answer is, and has always been, more unions, as I’ve emphasized during many episodes. That’s great rhetoric—but Suresh Naidu has the actual data proving that this has been true going back many decades, before government statistics began tracking the connection between union strength and an equal society. He joins me to talk about his path-breaking work.

Our Robber Baron of the week is the CEO of Prime Healthcare.

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In today's Working Life Podcast:

Episode 97: CEOs Pocket YOUR Money; It’s A Fact: More Unions, Less Inequality

Episode 97: As Labor Day looms on the horizon, I ring up Larry Mishel, distinguished fellow at the Economic Policy Institute, to talk about his new study looking at CEO greed. Not a shock, but if you are wondering where that pay increase went, it’s probably in the CEO’s bank account. A logical conversation after digging into CEO greed is this: how do you fight inequality? The answer is, and has always been, more unions, as I’ve emphasized during many episodes. That’s great rhetoric—but Suresh Naidu has the actual data proving that this has been true going back many decades, before government statistics began tracking the connection between union strength and an equal society. He joins me to talk about his path-breaking work. Our Robber Baron of the week is the CEO of Prime Healthcare.
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