- Julian Assange with Ecuadorean embassy staff during the days of the Rafael Correa administration. They gave him a birthday. #ProtectJulian #WhyIStandwithAssange @Unity4J #unity4J
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedWe're living in a time when the establishment is content to keep us misinformed, confused. So many coming forward to use #truth as a weapon against their lies. #ProtectJulian #Unity4J Here's @caitoz epic effort: https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/debunking-all-the-assange-smears-a549fd677cac?fbclid=IwAR3RIP_OUZKn1X6ZICpi6krzN8PZICEOpSnFd2fkRyt9A2k6n_3GAeZLUNc … And Margaret Kimberley @freedomrideblog:
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThe “Resistance” Is Silent on Julian #Assange https://ahtribune.com/world/wikileaks/3077-resistance-silent-on-julian-assange.html … By @freedomrideblog
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted“The people who go on...about Trump being a fascist, then he does something that is absolute by definition fascist, #ChelseaManning & #JulianAssange being behind bars, & you don’t hear a peep out of them.” @freedomrideblog WATCH AGAIN #Unity4J Vigil: https://youtu.be/fFEqW7lp81Y
- Lee Stranahan is holding a vigil in Lafayette Park in front of the white house in support of Julian Assange. Are you in or near Washington DC? You should join him. @stranahan #ProtectJulian #WhyIStandwithAssange @Unity4J #Unity4J #JournalismVigil
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
#Unity4J Weekly Online Vigil 26.0
Our hosts @unjoe and @ElizabethleaVos concludes this week's vigil for #JulianAssange. Thank you all for joining us! @freedomrideblog @ChrisLynnHedges @Stranahan @raymcgovern @Pbcsf @GeorgeSzamuely Replay:
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
Vigil 25 was chock full of information!
@DanielEllsberg @DanielLMcAdams @MichelCollon @GeorgeSzamuely @ElizabethleaVos @unjoe And @freedomrideblog here at 2:38:54:
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI have no doubt that Obama would’ve vetoed this too: he greenlit the war & maintained critical support. But it’s Trump’s war now, & this veto should be a national scandal. It won’t be though, because elites decide what our scandals are, & complicity in mass murder doesn’t cut it:
- Margaret Kimberley Retweetedmedia cheer @wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange's arrest. Read my latest article in @FAIRmediawatch!
- Vigil begins tomorrow at the White House in support of Julian Assange. Calling all journalists. #ProtectJulian #JournalismVigil
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
Vigil 26 #Unity4J
Apr 19th Panel discussion w/ Margaret Kimberley @freedomrideblog Editor @blkagendareport: You have to have a political center to be skeptical of the establishment narrative & the intell agencies. It takes energy to search the truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFEqW7lp81Y&feature=youtu.be …
- Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange https://youtu.be/1efOs0BsE0g Funny but sad. The state of corporate regarding Julian Assange. @Unity4J #unity4j #ProtectJulian #WhyIStandwithAssange
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI did this news report back in October titled: 'Ecuador might use Assange as a bargaining chip with the U.S.' https://youtu.be/cvEu62a_tHQ I should have titled it: Corrupt right-wing @Lenin can't wait to trade in #Assange for big juicy #IMF Loan. #WikiLeaks #JulianAssange #Ecuador
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedAnother African Convicted in Another Racist, Chauvinist Western Court by Ann Garrison http://bit.ly/2KwU81W Western propaganda about the #Rwanda Genocide has been so triumphant that a Rwandan Hutu on trial in the West faces can’t get a fair trial.
- Why Should African/Black People Care About NATO, U.S. in Africa? https://youtu.be/S1oQ5Ra5tWQ @netfafree @luqmannation1 and Vanessa Beck discuss @blacks4peace, the black radical tradition, foreign and domestic policy connections. (Part 2 of 2 discussions)
- BAP on The Real News: Reviving the Black Anti-war Tradition https://youtu.be/EfgfJZz3vhk Watch @Luqmannation1 @netfafree and Vanessa Beck discuss the importance of the black radical tradition in the anti-war movement @blacks4peace
- What is @chrislhayes talking about? It had better be important if he's going to use the enslaved to make a point. They should not be used for some specious b.s. that he won't state clearly.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedYessss! I am now a proud patron of Margaret Kimberley on @patreon, and you should be too: #NewPatron https://patreon.com/margaretkimberley?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=tyshare2 … @Netfafree @NNOCuba @TheIntCom @freedomrideblog @danielmkovalik @ajamubaraka @GlenFordBAR
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThe International Struggle Against the Fake News of the U.S. Empire: Remarks at the National Writers Union by Danny Haiphong http://bit.ly/2KzRlVA The Mueller Report’s conclusion cannot reverse the damage done to left journalism and activism by the fake news witch hunt.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedWhatever you think of #Assange personally, that does not matter. He’s a journalist. And if you don’t think he’s a real journalist, then he’s a real source. It’s one or the other — and both must be protected if freedom of the press means anything in Britain or the United States.