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With the world *and* the global climate justice movement both #OnFire, the only responses that matter are truly transformational. In my new book, out on Sept 17, I make the (burning) case for a #GreenNewDeal: … #GND
Naomi Klein Retweeted
A huge thank you to @RAICESTEXAS for joining the climate strikes next Friday. We are honored to take action alongside you 

Naomi Klein Retweeted
The government of the United States has just announced a lawsuit over my memoir, which was just released today worldwide. This is the book the government does not want you to read: (link corrected)
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Knowing that I have the power to inspire so many other young black girls and so many other like Muslim girls within the movement gives me... the joy to keep doing the work that I do.
Hope to see you on Friday! #StrikeWithUs @Essence @yumcoconutmilk
"Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns" - @billmckibben lays out where the polluters are most vulnerable. Must read
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Naomi Klein Retweeted
The Climate Justice Youth Summit in NYC will bring together young people to discuss vital #ClimateJustice issues in relation to their local communities and develop the leadership and organizing skills needed to take direct action today & reclaim our futures. @UPROSE @kheprw #CJYS
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Naomi Klein Retweeted
.@NaomiAKlein warns against the rise of eco-fascism, citing the Christchurch killer. "The only thing scarier than a far-right, racist movement that denies the reality of climate change is a far-right, racist movement that doesn't deny the reality of climate change."
Naomi Klein Retweeted
“Nobody should have to choose between the end of the month and the end of the world.” @NaomiAKlein that is a lyric!
Naomi Klein Retweeted
“We are fighting for our lives. And we don’t have twelve years anymore; now we have only eleven. Soon, it will be just ten.” Is there a more important and necessary public intellectual alive today than @NaomiAKlein? … via @nybooks
Naomi Klein Retweeted
There is so much to be said about the new book out today by the marvellous @NaomiAKlein which features an interviews with equally amazing #christchurch climate school striker @MiaSuth.
In it Klein tackles the risk a rise of Climate Fascism