BREAKING: I’m on #TeamWarren, and I hope you join me. I’m honored to be joining her tonight in Edgewater.
This video gets me every time. We can’t afford to forget who and what we’re fighting for...stories matter. Take a look!
Or --- you could propose a wealth tax that pays for:
- universal childcare for every baby 0-5
- historic invest in public education
- universal technical school, 2-year, and 4-year public college
- $50 billion into HBCUs
- cancel student loan debt for 43 million Americans
I got a high-quality public education for just $50 a semester—but that opportunity doesn't exist today. States invested less in our public colleges and shifted the burden onto students.
I'm fighting for universal public college so every student has the opportunity to succeed.
We're so grateful for everyone who does necessary work over the holidays to keep us safe and healthy. But too many giant corporations shamefully choose profits over people by staying open on Thanksgiving. Retail workers deserve to spend time with their loved ones, too.
Thank you @BlackWomxnFor and @MsPeoples for joining me in Atlanta last week. I'll fight shoulder to shoulder with you to put power and resources in the hands of the people.
This video is why Elizabeth Ann Warren can, should, WILL be President.
Please take a moment to watch this today—whether you’re on our side and need inspiration or are still undecided. Promise you won’t regret it:
Something I’ve been thinking about since EW spoke last night: This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make change. More people are politically engaged right now than ever have been, & (unfortunately) than likely will be again in the recent future. This is our window of opportunity
#Thankful for these @TeamWarren supervolunteers squeezing in every last bit of voter contact before Thanksgiving break! 

The billionaires are scared of the movement we’re building. That’s why they’re spending millions to try to shut us down. But there are more of us than there are of them and we’re going to persist and win!!
New Page Alert
— the team built out a special page to list out Elizabeth’s Agenda for Black America! And it’s a working agenda — b/c standing up for black communities and black lives isn’t a one-and-done deal — it’s an iterative commitment.

I am very excited about @ewarren-- moreso every day.
I am also very excited about the people who are on her team. We're all in good hands with folks like @itsdshawna, @CAMONGHNE, and @lee_gsc, among many others.
Good things are coming. Mark my words.
Vacation break to say: I’ve listened to Black farmers and updated my plan is major mood. Movements will be able to flourish under Madam Liz Dubbs Presidency.
.@ewarren is racing to the caucuses with a stop at the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame in Knoxville.
This is a powerful new ad from @ewarren. Thank you for acknowledging the important role that a grassroots movement will play in stopping the climate crisis.
The #GreenNewDeal is the vision big enough to build that movement.
Just in: Extraordinary statement from Bloomberg News Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait about Bloomberg’s coverage plans of Mike Bloomberg’s candidacy: Bloomberg Editorial board suspended, no “investigation” of Mike, his family or foundation:
Federal Minimum Wage, 2009: $7.25
Federal Minimum Wage, 2019: $7.25
It's time to #RaiseTheWage.