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The best candidate has emerged. That candidate is @ewarren. Join me in helping to turn Senator Warren into President Warren.

Lucy Flores Retweeted
Just to be clear:
@lajrod is one of the best in the business. Hands down. In any fantasy campaign draft he’d be a first round draft pick.
That’s the tweet.
Haters gonna hate.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
This thread about how kids of parents with means aren’t necessarily entitled to what their parents have is an interesting counter to @PeteButtigieg and the FAFSA is a nightmare.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
Instead of wallowing in your Thanksgiving guilt over the fate of Native people - donate to Native education organizations, honor tribal sovereignty, read Native authors, buy Native artwork, give back to the land, and thank us for all of your American blessings.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
And in states across the country, we have leaders like @JerameyAnderson, @SenJanetCruz, @crisantaduran, @LucyFlores, @ChrisGreigMI37, @susanamendoza10, and @Rios_Rebecca fighting to defend and expand voting rights. #LAVThanksgiving
Lucy Flores Retweeted
It's rare for professional WOC to have allies that speak up and defend them in the workplace. That's why calling these things out is a huge risk for us.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
“To mark the second occasion, the Plymouth men mounted the head of Ousamequin’s son Pumetacom above their town on a pike, where it remained for two decades, while his dismembered and unburied body decomposed." Read some history about Thanksgiving.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
We acknowledge the troubled origin of this holiday while welcoming the opportunity to come together with our given and chosen family to build community, rest and heal.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
Lucy Flores Retweeted
When people stand together and fight, we win. Thank you to the @womensmarch for inspiring people to get involved in the political process over the last three years. I'm proud to stand with them.
Deep appreciation to @BernieSanders for being the 1st Presidential candidate to unequivocally stand with our 2020 @womensmarch. 1.18.20 #WomensMarch2020 #WomenRise 

Lucy Flores Retweeted
Spot on analysis from @LucyFlores of @LuzCollective: "When venture capital looks at Latina entrepreneurs as a risk instead of an opportunity, we all lose."
Lucy Flores Retweeted
“Trust yourself, when you feel those moments of growth.”
Graced with advice from @TiaMari489 & @KateBlackDC on a new #FFRPod ep. on @Spotify
We chat learning to trust yourself & asking for what you need. Plus a @PodForTheCause plug!

Lucy Flores Retweeted
The death penalty is wrong and DA Lacey is wrong to seek it. It is disproportionately sought against young adult POC even though we know brain develops through age 25. Thank you Faith Leaders for your work.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
Lucy Flores Retweeted
Also, please stop saying that criticizing Democratic candidates helps Trump and hurts party unity.
Rigorous scrutiny is the ENTIRE point of the primary process.
Also, I have no interest in "uniting" with moderates who aren't actively attacking institutional inequality.
No surprise whatsoever after the #boycottsoulcycle debacle. The callous way it was handled + zero thought to diversity must’ve had a bigger financial impact than @soulcycle cares to admit. Love our former soul riders even more now. #TrumpHasNoSoul
This piece. DAMN. Probably the most on point commentary on white man privilege and willful/feigned ignorance I have read in maybe EVER. No wonder it's trending.

Lucy Flores Retweeted
WATCH: 17-year-old Jayson Verebay gets invited onstage by @thekillers at #RiptideFest and absolutely SLAYS IT on the drums.
Lucy Flores Retweeted
Let’s start 2020 off powerfully! We have so much work to do to undo the harms and chaos this administration has done to our communities. @womensmarch is ready to fight, organize, and lead!
Lucy Flores Retweeted
The only good thing that came/is coming from Bloomberg’s Presidential run - the return of @ElBloombito