Friday, November 08, 2019

Some Tweets from Gabrielle Farrell

Gabrielle Farrell is the press secretary for candidate Elizabeth Warren.

  • This morning I cried, real tears of joy. To see this list of 100 BLACK women! Some I greatly admire, some, I've never met. I'm honored to lock arms with to elect . Today no one can steal my . Welcome to Thank you!🙌🏿💙
  • .: “For Elizabeth & for me, power belongs in the hands of the people. That’s why she’s fighting for fundamental change that restores power to those who’ve been left behind & centers those who’ve never had access to it in the first place.”
  • proud to know & work w/ , & sit in the back seat of minivans swaying side to side, all across these United States of America 🇺🇸
  • 100+ black female activists endorsed today! 🙌🏾
  • Medicare for All gives people more freedom, more choice, and more peace of mind. And that’s exactly why so many powerful interests oppose it.
  • Ayanna Pressley means the world to me. When I see her, when I hear her, I see myself, I see my friends, I see my future. I am so so proud to stand with her in the fight for big, structural change. Welcome to , queen
  • Now let’s do every kid with student loan debt....44 million stories later Now let’s do every person who is underinsured... 44 million stories later Now let’s do every family that struggles to afford or find childcare... 7 million stories later
  • I'm always happy to meet with people, even if we have different views. , if we get the chance, I'd love to explain exactly how much you'd pay under my wealth tax. (I promise it's not $100 billion.)
  • “The plans are about power. Who has it, who refuses to let it go, and who deserves more of it.” hit the nail on the head. I’ll be busy crying happy tears for the rest today. ♥️
  • Big structural change can’t wait.
  • “All three of my brothers served, so I know the responsibility we have to our service members… I will honor our troops not only by executing sound military strategy, but also by caring for our veterans after they take off the uniform.” —
  • ‘If we're going to meet the challenges of our time, we need big ideas’ — to Iowa Democrats
  • : pledges to overturn military transgender ban on day one.
  • Ah yes, quite the “economic perversity.” In fact, we should make workers as dependent as possible on companies for basic needs so that they will be forced to work. If we required people to get food through their employers that would really drive up labor force participation.
  • . on discussing 's organization at : "They were everywhere and talking to voters. It was impressive."
  • This one is personal for me. There’s nothing more important than the duty we owe those who volunteer to wear the uniform of the United States. It was the honor of my life to serve them at the Pentagon — and I know will always have their backs.
  • damn, i’m so proud to work for Elizabeth Warren.