Sunday, March 22, 2020

Some Tweets from Joseph Kishore

Joseph Kishore is the presidential nominee for the Socialist Equality Party.

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Sanders is bringing his campaign rapidly to a close precisely at a point where reality is proving the necessity for socialism. The purpose of his campaign has always been to bolster the Democratic Party, the party of Wall Street and the CIA.
Seems an appropriate time to recall that the Walton family, owners of WalMart, is the richest in the world with $191 billion to share between them.
Trump is bragging that WalMart is doing really well and making a lot of profits because people are stockpiling due to the social and economic disaster caused by the #CoronavirusPandemic.
As the death toll rises and hundreds of millions of people are faced with the loss of their jobs and incomes, the social, economic, political, and, one must add, moral bankruptcy of the capitalist system is being utterly exposed.

The #coronavirus has only begun to spread in South Asia, as well as Latin America and Africa.
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George Marlowe
· Mar 21
This is going to be horrifying.
Revolution #2020InOneWord
The question is not whether this or that company is choosing to treat its employees decently during this crisis; the question is, why do we still have a system where workers are dependent on how their company chooses to treat them? #Socialism2020
Goldman Sachs is reporting that it anticipates the US economy could contract by 24 percent in the second quarter. This would far surpass what took place even during the Great Depression. Tens of millions of people would lose their jobs.
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I urge everyone to take a look at this urgent statement and program of action by the Socialist Equality Party. This is a life and death question and shows the absolute failure of capitalism, as and note.
No testing. No masks. Overloaded health care systems. Unsafe working conditions. Illegal wars. Bank bailouts. Domestic spying. Censorship. Concentration camps. Patriot Act. Torture. Drone assassination. Under both Democrats and Republicans. #FreeAssange #LockThemAllUp
The amount spent on the US military is about equal to paying 20 million people $1,000 a week for a year. The cash held by US non-financial corporations would cover it for four years. #coronavirus #lockdown #LockThemAllUp
If 20 million people in the US lose work and they were paid $1,000 a week, this would cost $20 billion per week. The richest 500 individuals in the world could cover this for 300 weeks, or six years.
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